Program Notes
Guest speakers: Yalila Espinoza & Shonagh Home
Today we feature a conversation about psychedelics, sexuality, and the dark side of ayahuasca tourism. The conversation is between two highly experienced medicine women, Shonagh Home and Yalila Espinoza, Ph.D. Yalila’s Ph.D. studies and diverse training in Integrating Sexuality & Spirituality have inspired her to create the Spiritual Erotic Awakening model ~ body centered practices that supports your connection with joy and sensual pleasure. She offers private coaching sessions, on-line IRIS training and a 7 wk ‘MIND YOUR HEART’ program that taps into your brilliant mind and activates heart centered creativity.
More info can be found at at
Shonagh Home
is a teacher, shamanic practitioner, and the author of
‘Ix Chel Wisdom: 7 Teachings from the Mayan Sacred Feminine,’
‘Love and Spirit Medicine,’
and the upcoming, ‘Honeybee Wisdom: A Modern Melissae Speaks.’
Contact: shonagh.home (at) comcast (dot) net
Health & Wellness Encinitas Podcast
The History And Future of Cannabis And Psychedelics In Medicine with Lorenzo Hagerty
Tink Tink Club Podcast
Episode 29 - Lorenzo Hagerty - The Psychedelic Salon
Previous Episode
436 - Behind the Scenes at Burning Man
Next Episode
439 - A Resolute Optimist of a Complicated Sort
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Greetings from cyberdelic space.
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This is Lorenzo and I’m your host here in the psychedelic salon.
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This is Lorenzo, and I’m your host here in the Psychedelic Salon.
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And today we are going to be treated to a conversation between Shona Holm and Yolila Espinoza.
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And in addition to any other roles that they may fill in their lives, they are also two people who I think of as medicine women.
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In the introduction to Sisters of the Extreme,
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Women Writing on the Drug Experience by Cynthia Palmer and Michael Horowitz,
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they say, among other things, and I quote,
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The relationship of women and drugs goes back before recorded history.
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The most important goddesses of many ancient cultures are closely associated with intoxicating plants.
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In the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the European church state
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launched a savage persecution of women midwives and herbalists.
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In the earlier decades of the 20th century, women who pursued a drug-related lifestyle compromised their reputations far more than did the men who indulged and experimented.
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In other words, it’s been hundreds of years since women were publicly sought out for healing and insights about our plant teachers,
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not to mention the fact that even speaking about such things was often dangerous for them.
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Today, here in the salon, we are fortunate to have two women who are willing to brave any slings and arrows that may come their way
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as part of a new generation of medicine women who are bringing their knowledge and skills back out in the open. Shona Holm and Yalila Espinoza are
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on a mission to encourage a more open and honest discussion about the intersection of psychoactive
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experiences, our sexuality, and the difficulties that some women are faced with in the psychedelic community. So let’s join them now.
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So we are back at long last, and I am so excited about this conversation because I have been
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wanting to have this talk with Yalila for a good while.
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So finally, the stars are in alignment, and here we are. And so I am going to be talking with Yalila Espinoza,
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PhD today, and she is an intimacy guide and she’s had very diverse training in the integration of
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sexuality and spirituality, which has inspired her to create a spiritual erotic awakening model.
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And that consists of body centered practices that support the connection to
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joy and sensual pleasure. She offers private coaching sessions, online trainings, and an
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intensive seven week mind your heart program. And that taps is And that’s spelled And I will add,
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of course, because we are on the psychedelic salon after all, that Yalila has had extensive
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experience with mama ayahuasca. And that has, I’m sure, inspired her to come into the extraordinary and unique
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work that she’s doing.
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So, sweetie, welcome to this conversation.
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Thank you so much.
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It’s a pleasure to be with you and all the listeners.
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Yeah, yeah, sweetie.
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So let’s talk first about, I mean, this work that you are doing, clearly, it’s a result not only, obviously, of your work with ayahuasca, which I’m very keenly interested in, but also, of course, as we know, it goes back further because something occurred in your life, right, that has set the course of the patternings, the behaviors, and then eventually at some point, clearly,
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that came to a head and you began to seek very deeply. So without telling your story that I
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don’t actually know, but I want to hear a little bit of this background in terms of, you know, what even led you to the ayahuasca?
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Yes, beautiful question. And it’s so fun to have this open-ended space to go back in time and see how it connects to the present. And I really sincerely could say that it started with my birth.
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that it started with my birth.
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And I will speed up the story a little bit and say that really it was the sudden death of my partner
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about 10 years ago that woke me up from a slumber.
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And I was sort of walking through this life
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that on the outside seemed to be perfect, seemed to be
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wonderful. Good job, partner, friends, everything was great, actually good health, good health,
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except that in my heart, I was feeling lonely and disconnected. And so it was that sudden uh disillusionment disillusionment disillusionment how do you say
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that word disillusionment you’re good of like my foundation uh when my partner died and the whole
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questioning of life and death and you know what what is the meaning of my life, it all came up.
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And so I was walking around depressed for about six months and then had a dream where
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the grandmother serpent came in and bit me, you know, just the classic dream.
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And I died in the dream.
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And then I was reborn.
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And it was in my partner was in that dream, too.
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It was just like amazing.
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And I just woke up and I thought I might as well go down to Peru and go to a ceremony.
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And it just sort of it just all happened you know the timing was perfect
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and everything came together and so it was in that ceremony that I actually expected
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that I would just be crying you know for days and and depressed and grieving but instead it was an experience of feeling joy in my body
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i felt like i had come home it was like ecstatic pleasure like hours of full body orgasm and i
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was shocked and wondered what what is this what What intelligent being coming through the plants is showing me what life could be like?
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And so I left Peru with this renewed sense of hope and curiosity,
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which then led to 10 years of studying plant teachers academically and experientially in ceremonies.
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Wow, wow.
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Really, 10 years.
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That’s beautiful.
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Who were you working with in Peru, can you say?
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Oh, different people.
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A variety of different curanderos, curanderas.
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Yeah. different curanderos, curanderas. Okay.
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And then are you now doing some of that yourself in Peru or assisting in that ceremony?
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I am.
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And I’m very mindful, you know, of how I speak about it.
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I feel like I’m a beginner.
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And so I’m still learning, you know not with just with ayahuasca
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but realizing the importance of the other master plants and so focusing during that 10 years a lot
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of time with tobacco and coca and other plants that have really influenced my life and brought me to this
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this place of greater understanding of what vegetalismo the plant world really is about
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okay and i’m also very curious because of course uh I’m sure you find this as well,
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that the plant experience seems to be unique to each person taking the plant.
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So that, you know, what happens for you is not necessarily what’s going to happen for me or this person or this person.
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And so actually back to this first experience you were talking about,
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where you were having these full body orgasms and experiencing this joy without knowing, you know, entirely your background. I mean, that
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speaks to me in terms of that is activating something in you around that sexuality piece,
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either healing something or activating something. And could you speak to that a little bit?
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Because, of course, your work revolves around this now.
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Yes, yes.
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Yes, I will.
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So what I realized in those first ceremonies was that I had actually experienced sexual
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trauma as a child and had been numbing myself for years in some ways like I did enjoy
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sexual sensations however it was a very superficial level I felt and it was in those
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ceremonies that I got a sense of the the deeper intimacy that’s possible in terms of accessing sensual intelligence around sexuality.
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And so that was a lesson for me right off the bat.
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And then I realized that all of the layers around sexuality connected with physical imbalances me in expanding my definition of sexuality,
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and then also looking at what eroticism is, and then tying, you know, all these pieces together.
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So, yeah, and it continues to be an evolution, actually.
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So I realized that these plant teachers, ayahuasca specifically, was my first tantric teacher.
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I can honestly say that.
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And so what was happening in ceremony was that I was experiencing things and being shown things in terms of sexual erotic energy
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and then learning how to practice that with other people.
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And then afterwards, going to the books and seeing that,
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oh, medical qigong names it this way.
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Tantric teachings name it this way.
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And then finding the human teachers and mentors that i’ve been with for the last
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seven years and then having them explain it and show me and so it was very interesting to have
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the experience of it in my body first and then learning the terms and the theoretical
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philosophical underpinnings that have been around for centuries.
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So it’s just the way that I learned it.
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It’s fascinating.
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And, of course, you wonder where tantra and all of those areas of practice actually came from.
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Of course, I would imagine that those original teachings did
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come from the plants a long, long time ago. And I find this fascinating, Yalila, because in my
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private practice, I am stunned, I’m astonished at the number of people I see who have been sexually
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abused in the past. And it is not just women. In in fact these poor guys have it so bad because
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they don’t even get to really talk about it yeah you know there is such a level of uh shame around
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them um and just just acute shame it’s just horrifying and uh and then the way it colors every area of your life. And so I just find this
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so fascinating and incredibly hopeful, you know, that these plants will open us to that and enable
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us to not only heal that piece for ourselves, but then to return, which it sounds like this is precisely what’s
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happened for you to return to your own sexual expression and create this new foundation.
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And it’s like the slate has been wiped clean, shall we say, of that shame and everything that comes with that initial wounding experience.
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Yes, wonderful point.
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And it actually reminds me that also in my experience over the last 10 years,
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the high number of plant drinkers that intuitively were drawn to the plant teachers like it’s almost like
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there’s this master you know matrix plan and somehow our souls remember that these plants
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can assist us so you know is it a coincidence that over half of the people sitting in ceremony really experienced sexual healing,
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kundalini awakenings, et cetera, in ceremony.
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Well, I don’t think it is a coincidence.
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I think it’s just a perfect match, not only with ayahuasca,
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but with peyote and mushrooms, et cetera.
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And the other thing is that when I was in the PhD program, I did a research study interviewing women around North America about their erotic experiences with plant teachers.
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And, you know, you mentioned wiping the slate clean.
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And that’s exactly how they described it as well in terms of, you know, the ayahuasca and the other master plants really cleaning on a cellular level
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and then through their mental and emotional bodies and then the more subtle bodies.
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And so each plant also having their own specific skill.
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So what these women were describing was how each plant had a specific talent
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in terms of clearing and fortifying each of the four energetic layers.
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And so, for example, one woman was saying how Ahasacha with ayahuasca was wonderful in clearing sexual trauma that she held up and feel, you know, love again.
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And other plants like bohawaska, very good for reproductive organs.
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Reproductive organs?
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Yes. Okay. Yes.
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And, you know, one woman was saying that she entered into the realm of plants because she had an ovarian cyst.
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And the doctor recommended that she get a hysterectomy.
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And she was trying Chinese herbs and acupuncture and all these other modalities
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and then wanted to try ayahuasca and other Amazonian plants as well.
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And with all of this support together, she didn’t have to have a hysterectomy
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and the cyst dissolved.
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So, you know, just literally like magical stories
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from physical ailments to, you know, really letting go of the shame and trauma of rape and other
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sexual wounding that, you know, I feel like we all have have like you mentioned men as well yes we’re in a
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society where especially western society where our connection with sexuality and sensuality is skewed
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for everyone coming down from you know our families and ancestors to media and school education and
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our health education and um all of these institutions and systems that we’ve set up.
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So this is an issue for everyone.
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Oh, it’s a mess.
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It’s a mess.
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And then all the sex trafficking and sex trafficking of children,
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the slavery in addition to all the, I mean, this stuff, it’s extraordinary.
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I mean, the level of healing that needs to happen on this planet is just,
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it’s mind-blowing.
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And these plants are up to the task.
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They really, really, truly are.
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Yeah, I mean, they will accomplish, you know, many, many years of psychotherapy in just one or a few sessions.
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And then, of course, you know, working with a good guide through that.
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It’s really incredibly amazing.
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So, yeah, this is really, I mean, I myself, I will say candidly, I mean, I have never been sexually abused, thank goodness. Mm-hmm. with these women now in the work you are doing, and not just empowering but really initiating very profound healing
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and a very different perspective now from,
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or a completely different paradigm from which to see themselves.
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And so very essential work, my dear.
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And I am fascinated also by these stories that you tell,
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and I’m sure you’ve got many, many of them,
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of what the ayahuasca has done for these women.
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I think it’s just fascinating.
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Well, it’s interesting, too, that more and more men in the past year or so have been coming to me asking for support as well
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and also a couple that are asking me for a safe container where the couple they can explore
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their sexual relationship so you know there’s just so many possibilities of healing and also learning just
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learning about our energies and how we can dance with our energies together and actually
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commune with the other energies around us whether we call it spirit or whatever and that there’s this uh sense of like a triangle
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that is created where there’s a synergy of these three energies so the couple and then the third
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energy and just what’s possible when we actually direct that energy into you know feeling love in our hearts or into creative projects,
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into family life or, you know, work, career life,
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or, you know, healing each other, community members, et cetera.
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We can channel this energy any way that we are inspired to.
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Yeah, yes, absolutely.
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Well, I’ll ask you this, because something that I have
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realized for my own self with my work I have done with a mushroom, which was that year long,
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very intensive monthly immersions. And I don’t obviously do those monthly immersions, thank God
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anymore, I don’t need to. But it was a kind of training for me. And then I have realized now in my work that I have, in a sense, become the medicine.
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So I’m carrying that medicine because the majority of the clients who come to me and the students are not actually ever going to find their way to these medicines.
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They’re not. So what I have gained over my work with that medicine is that I can offer them this very new and often radically different perspective to the story they have been telling for so long.
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So, of course, we know the plants will do that for you.
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Oh, boy, will they ever.
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And they will break that spell.
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But my sense, too, is the plants understand this as well, that no, not everyone will find us.
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But those who will, will carry our medicine in some regard, whether they are an artist or a writer or some kind of a practitioner.
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And so it feels to me very much like you too are carrying that medicine,
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or you’ve become that medicine in a way, and it is working through you.
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So yes, of course, you can’t be giving these people ayahuasca left, right, and center.
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In California, it doesn’t work that way.
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So what happens, you become this medicine in a sense.
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Yes, yes, that’s exactly true.
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And what I found is interesting is that women who are coming to me often say that they are concerned because they haven’t had an orgasm and they’re in their 30s or 40s.
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And so, you know, really taking what the plant has shown me in terms of methodology
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and having two to three hour sessions with women and working a lot or, you know, going into the womb area
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and energetically working things and then also doing some, you know, storytelling,
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shifting the storytelling perception and also coaching in terms of practical daily skills
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that they can integrate into their life.
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And then what’s also interesting is that through the guidance of the plants,
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I’ve been recently guided to connect with the high-tech world
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and to really focus on the mind as the starting point to bring the energy
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down into the heart and that, you know, in a sense, at least in the Silicon Valley
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culture, that there is such a focus on the external creation of technology to advance
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our consciousness but there’s a forgetfulness around the human technology and the inner
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technology and how that drives our intuition and creativity and that informs you know how this the energy of our consciousness is
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expressed in uh the material uh physical world so you know i i’m just connecting this back to
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what you’re saying that ayahuasca is not involved in any of these sessions and yet just getting that
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guidance of like okay spend a little more you know energy channeled in this way, in this direction.
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And when I first had this impulse to connect with the business, the high-tech leaders,
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I mean, it’s not naturally something that I would think of myself.
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And that there’s this way of like, okay, women and wombs, okay, that’s really important.
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And then there’s the men and the hearts I’m finding as a theme coming up.
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And the men, especially in the business world where as a society we’ve set it up so that men and women in this competitive and fast-paced business world are pushing their
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bodies so hard and their minds are so brilliant and it’s almost like they’re exploding, you know,
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themselves and it can get, you know, stressful and confusing. So lately that’s where I’m also directing my energy. And then, you know,
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we’ll see, it’s experiment, we’ll see how these two kinds of areas come together, you know,
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healing the masculine and the feminine energies within each of us, and how that is, you know,
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vital, you know, for all of us in our development.
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Yes, absolutely, because our society has become,
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well, it’s a commercial society, first of all,
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and the commercial is really fictional, right?
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It’s not real.
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It’s a commercial artificial construct.
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And what I see is that we have been uh uh gradually over time seduced farther and farther
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away from our humanity and then we have a society where women are hyper masculinized now
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and and then a lot of these guys are like way way way masculine on steroids uh or the guys are being
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feminized and that goes into whatever estrogens and the plastics and the foods and stuff, and that’s a whole other discussion.
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My goodness, it is just a labyrinth of just mess.
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And I’ve been told by a shaman, you are a black-eyed healer, Shauna.
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In other words, like I walk in the room and I’m like, I can see like underneath the chairs, I can see under the carpet.
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You know what I mean?
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That’s a mess.
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That’s not working.
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You know, sort of see all that
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and so
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this is great that you’re
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doing this I am curious as to
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how are you presenting this
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material how are you even approaching
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realm of
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well it seems that the universe had likes to play with me and
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and joke with me and and lately that I’ve been surrounded more so by the tech
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world in terms of friends and my partner being in that world as well. And so I have lots of mentoring and guidance from these folks.
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And so really learning the language.
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It’s a whole different language in order to connect with that world, the tech world.
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And then also what are they experiencing in their lives, the high stress.
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And so really it’s starting with the mind.
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And luckily, in some ways, I call myself a recovering academic in that I’ve spent so much time in my mind,
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and I feel very comfortable there.
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I love to philosophize and theorize, and I’m a researcher at heart.
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And so I love to create maps and systems, and I’m a visual person.
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So I’m actually seeing that I can relate in some ways to their world.
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I just didn’t know it until recently. And so it’s really
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accessing that part of myself. And then tapping into, okay, so, you know, what, what are the
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gifts and the beauty of that? And then what are the challenges? And for me, really, luckily,
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having the ceremonies and the plans to help, you know, keep me in my body with yoga, too, and breathing practices.
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And that’s been a very mindful integration into my life because I could easily just dream.
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I’m a dreamer and a visionary.
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So really just, you know, experimenting and exploring and I don’t
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know, I don’t know really, um, uh, the best way I’m just trying something out and people seem to
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be interested. Uh, so we’ll just see how, how it flows. Yeah, this is cool. The beings that speak
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that work with me, uh, they, I used to say the brain is like a computer
00:30:07 ►
and they actually corrected me and they said, no, dear, the computer is like the brain. You just,
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you just have not fully anywhere near accessed or tapped into just what is possible to tap into.
00:30:20 ►
So they said, you know, you have that technology and you have this other technology, which is the technology of the heart.
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However, the heart technology cannot be accessed until the beings say, get your minds right.
00:30:36 ►
You’ve got to get your mind right.
00:30:39 ►
So and even if getting your mind right means getting yourself to a place where, you know, your mind is open.
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Your mind is open for new ideas.
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Maybe you are in more of a place of surrender or humility.
00:30:56 ►
And then that doorway opens to the heart piece.
00:30:59 ►
And what I find hopeful about what you are endeavoring to do here is my hope is that, okay, we have all this technology.
00:31:08 ►
And I am, you know, actually not altogether impressed with it.
00:31:12 ►
And no, I’m not saying we go back to, you know, whatever donkeys and pitchforks and whatnot.
00:31:18 ►
Of course not.
00:31:19 ►
I mean, this technology is great.
00:31:20 ►
You know, I love that you and I can do this.
00:31:23 ►
It’s wonderful.
00:31:23 ►
is great. I love that you and I can do this. It’s wonderful. And there is a tremendous dark side
00:31:27 ►
to the technology in that these electromagnetic waves
00:31:31 ►
and whatnot are decimating
00:31:35 ►
nature, really, and us. They are affecting the cells in our bodies.
00:31:40 ►
And so what I see is if the mind and the heart
00:31:43 ►
can be combined,
00:31:45 ►
well, then that would mean to me that as technologies are developed,
00:31:52 ►
then they would be developed with consciousness so that,
00:31:59 ►
ah, well, we develop technology that doesn’t harm nature in any way, shape, or form.
00:32:07 ►
And then bringing that heart piece in, then people would be these brilliant people, because
00:32:13 ►
these guys and gals are brilliant.
00:32:16 ►
They are.
00:32:17 ►
00:32:17 ►
Then they would take a second look at the technology that we have and address that and correct the mistakes because the mistakes,
00:32:28 ►
those mistakes are that, that a lot of that technology is harming the earth.
00:32:34 ►
And, and the idea is not to replace all of nature and replace whatever, all our cells and whatever,
00:32:40 ►
and make us into transhumanist robots and all this just horse shit. It’s not, you know, I just don’t see how any of that is going to really help.
00:32:52 ►
I think, you know, technology is amazing, but we’ve got to marry the heart in this process.
00:32:58 ►
And this is where the plants are coming in at this time, I think, to really help us save ourselves.
00:33:05 ►
Yes, well said. Exactly.
00:33:08 ►
And so there’s a few things that you mentioned that really spark my heart.
00:33:16 ►
And just the fact that, you know, empowering these high-tech
00:33:25 ►
brilliant people to actually
00:33:28 ►
see the power that they have
00:33:32 ►
in our current reality
00:33:36 ►
and that this technology is informing what we perceive
00:33:41 ►
as reality and illusion and so I feel like you know deep down their souls you know
00:33:48 ►
they they want to uh marry their mind their brain and their heart and they want to uh be part of
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creating a world that’s in alignment and in harmony and so really you know accessing that memory so that they’re like excited and passionate
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about um correcting or creating different kinds of technology and there are many groups that are
00:34:17 ►
doing this right now and i’ve been doing research in the last few months and talking to people for example in New York this is
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there’s a one woman who created this this app it’s like a heart monitor and
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it’s basically made to recognize someone’s emotions during the day. So it’s just a little bit of support in terms of being aware of one’s body
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and emotions for folks that are, you know, in their mind and doing,
00:34:58 ►
creating technical, I don’t know, coding or whatever they do.
00:35:02 ►
And, you know, in the Bay Area, there’s a group, they’re called the Consciousness Hackers,
00:35:08 ►
and they meet monthly and they are dedicated to innovative projects around monitoring meditation and yoga practices.
00:35:27 ►
And so how can they encourage more of the mass population
00:35:31 ►
to connect to these kind of practices, mindful practices?
00:35:37 ►
So this is happening, and it’s very encouraging.
00:35:41 ►
Yeah, thank goodness. Thank goodness, yeah.
00:35:43 ►
I think this is interesting to how this
00:35:46 ►
conversation has gone from sexuality, which is all about the body, and all about nature, and then
00:35:51 ►
into this sort of artificial construct called technology. And, and this is really, you know,
00:35:57 ►
what we are dealing with, and, and, and that allegory of the, you know, the heart, the mind,
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of the heart, the mind piece that we are really in need of weaving together here greatly.
00:36:10 ►
And we see that need in how sick so many people are on every level.
00:36:17 ►
And so, yeah, these plants are quite amazing
00:36:21 ►
in what they are inspiring in people.
00:36:24 ►
Plants are quite amazing in what they are inspiring in people.
00:36:30 ►
So let’s explore a little bit more of this work you are doing.
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What are these trainings that you talk about?
00:36:37 ►
What is it, Iris?
00:36:41 ►
Oh, yes, Initiation, Rights, and Sexuality.
00:36:42 ►
00:36:45 ►
And so there’s different parts to Iris, and the first part was a summit that I did last September where I interviewed various leaders and mentors in the field of sexuality how people are initiated into sexuality as a child
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and developmental stages throughout someone’s lifespan
00:37:11 ►
and going from the basics of physical information
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of what we need, kind of certain minerals and green foods and, you know, organic foods,
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just like really feeding our body so that we can actually be vibrant
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and tapping into our sexual energy.
00:37:36 ►
And then going to the more initiatory layers of how that impacts communities, you know, and talking about the media, etc.
00:37:51 ►
So there’s the online summit with the interviews.
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And then I have an Iris online class, which covers the seven energy chakra centers.
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And then there is a class focused on leadership.
00:38:11 ►
And so how do we take information, this sexual information,
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and then be leaders in our communities?
00:38:20 ►
And then the last class is on celebration.
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Too often we don’t really make the space to celebrate where we’re at.
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So that’s the online class.
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Then I have individual in-person and Skype sessions,
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and then I lead spiritual erotic awakening groups
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that focuses on the lower three chakras
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and then bringing that energy into the heart.
00:38:48 ►
And this is often two days of iris ritual,
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and this is modeled after Gina Ogden’s work.
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And we share our sexual stories in this ritual,
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and it’s very active and embodied and fun and so that’s
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the group work and then just recently launching the mind your heart program which is focusing
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on the upper three chakras and bringing that energy down into the heart so that’s a lot of mindful practices and also ritual work.
00:39:27 ►
Wow. Wow. That’s beautiful.
00:39:40 ►
Would you say when you work with the ayahuasca that a lot of this inspiration is a result of those perhaps conversations with the madre?
00:39:45 ►
Yes. Oh, definitely. Directly informed and inspired.
00:39:58 ►
Yeah. Yeah. It really sounds like it. Yeah. Yeah. Can you speak to one of those experiences or one of those conversations with the Madre where she has opened you up to this kind of thing? I’m curious too. You know, when I think back, it’s so fascinating that I don’t necessarily have conversations with her so much.
00:40:13 ►
It’s more of she actually moves.
00:40:28 ►
focus my attention on certain energy centers in my body and then just show me what that energy is and how it’s connected to other parts of my body and so it’s almost like my body has been the
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training ground and she’s just highlighting it and it’s a lot of sensory plus visual she’ll show me
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plus visual she’ll show me um how like the energy grid and matrix and then just how it can shape shift and then you know the how the light and shadow of any of these energy centers can dance
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together and then you know the patterns on each body and the colors and then how to shift those patterns and mend certain tears in the patterns.
00:41:09 ►
So, yeah, that’s all I can say in terms of, you know, the guidance.
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And it sounds really bizarre, but really, I went down to Peru
00:41:22 ►
and I was in isolation for three months.
00:41:25 ►
And I was dieting plants, meaning I was drinking liquid form of plants every day.
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And I had very little food.
00:41:32 ►
And I was, you know, in my little tombo, my bed, alone.
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No interaction with humans except for when I was given food that was brought to me.
00:41:45 ►
And I came out of those three months and, you know, yes, I had conversations with myself
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and I went in circles and sort of felt like I was going mad, going crazy.
00:41:59 ►
And yet when I came out of those three months and I made offerings to the land there, thank you, thank you.
00:42:08 ►
And, you know, just seeing like, you know, a butterfly landed on my finger as I was offering tobacco, you know, just like magical things happening.
00:42:30 ►
was if I, in order to survive in this particular world that I live in at this time in North America,
00:42:39 ►
that I, you know, the sense of safety and security and connection in one hand and my iPhone in my other hand.
00:42:52 ►
So it’s so fat, you know, the connection to spirit and then the connection to the world in this physical realm.
00:42:59 ►
All in the palms of your hands.
00:43:01 ►
Yeah, that’s right.
00:43:03 ►
So that’s the guidance that i’ve received the stories
00:43:06 ►
lovely lovely and of course when i say conversation yeah um obviously we know it’s
00:43:13 ►
we say conversation but the the the communication is is yeah very very different of course than
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right this kind of communication and you know it makes me think of the second journey
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that I took with the mushrooms,
00:43:28 ►
which I was taking this medicine out
00:43:30 ►
in the middle of an old-growth rainforest
00:43:33 ►
in the Washington Peninsula.
00:43:35 ►
So just mossy trees everywhere
00:43:37 ►
and just absolutely beautiful, beautiful.
00:43:41 ►
But they said, or the beings announced
00:43:44 ►
at the beginning of that journey,
00:43:46 ►
we’re going to work on your second chakra area tonight. And I, all bright-eyed, bushy-tailed,
00:43:51 ►
and innocent said, oh, great. You know, that sounds good. And that was where I started
00:43:58 ►
experiencing those full body orgasms and this kundalini energy shooting upward through my spine and out
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through the top of my head. And my friend who was with me in the forest at the time said when he
00:44:15 ►
looked at me, all this blue light was coming off of me and going up into the trees, which
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he thought was very interesting. And I do as well because, of course, you were talking earlier about the chakras,
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which we know correspond to the endocrine system to each of those centers
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and that there is that auric or energy field around the body.
00:44:41 ►
One of my teachers jokes and says,
00:44:42 ►
you don’t call it the aura in the science world or
00:44:46 ►
else you’ll lose your funding. So we call it the energy field. But in any case, it changes color.
00:44:54 ►
So color is a big factor here. And so I just thought that was fascinating that he would see
00:45:01 ►
blue light coming as a result of that kind of energy coursing through my body.
00:45:06 ►
And what I also found fascinating much later was I had two C-sections,
00:45:11 ►
so there is scar tissue there in that second chakra.
00:45:15 ►
And later when I spoke with, I work with a woman a little bit
00:45:19 ►
who is a bee venom therapist and acupuncturist.
00:45:24 ►
She’s an amazing, brilliant woman, Dr. Amber Rose.
00:45:28 ►
And she had said, wherever you have a scar,
00:45:32 ►
then you’ve got stuck energy in that area.
00:45:36 ►
And so my sense was it wasn’t just, well, obviously,
00:45:41 ►
I mean, it’s so multilayered, these experiences.
00:45:43 ►
But I thought, I wonder if they were also working on that area because of the scar tissue there as well.
00:45:50 ►
And because she said what happens is chi cannot flow through that area smoothly.
00:45:57 ►
So what she does is she uses the bees and you sting scars with the bees.
00:46:03 ►
00:46:04 ►
Yeah, yeah, yeah, which I have been doing, not these past few months because it’s too
00:46:07 ►
00:46:08 ►
But anyway, again, a whole different discussion, but just really fascinating in terms of the
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kundalini energy that is activated often through these plants.
00:46:23 ►
00:46:29 ►
activated often through these plants. So all of this wonderful discussion about how these plants open you sexually and what the ayahuasca has done for you and opened you to. So let’s look a little
00:46:37 ►
bit at the darker side of that as well. Because of course, you and I well know that here you did all this gorgeous sexual healing and opening,
00:46:47 ►
but we have a problem in the ayahuasca community in some areas of it, do we not,
00:46:52 ►
with unscrupulous shamans, shall we say,
00:46:56 ►
who are helping themselves sexually to women on the medicine.
00:47:02 ►
So speak to that, sweetie.
00:47:05 ►
Oh, wow.
00:47:06 ►
00:47:08 ►
Important area of discussion.
00:47:10 ►
And it’s interesting that it seems to be an exploration that evolves and spirals.
00:47:50 ►
So my first introduction to the shadow of misuse with all the time through the 10 years of the phases
00:47:53 ►
and of the anger and the confusion around this issue
00:47:57 ►
in various communities in North and South America
00:48:00 ►
and around the world.
00:48:02 ►
Now, the vision that I had 10 years ago
00:48:04 ►
when this first came up,
00:48:07 ►
and I heard about an ayahuasquero who sexually molested a woman in ceremony,
00:48:14 ►
in an ayahuasca ceremony.
00:48:17 ►
And when I first heard this, I was outraged.
00:48:20 ►
And I just this, I don’t know what it was, like past karmic rage for all people who have been sexually, you know, traumatized.
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It just all this rage came through me.
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And I had this vision.
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It was so clear of this Iowa Scarrow and myself.
00:48:40 ►
We were hovering in the air like, you know, the Crouching Tiger movie.
00:48:47 ►
And we were hovering there.
00:48:48 ►
We were battling it out like full on with swords and, you know, rope and all these things.
00:48:55 ►
And I was, you know, new to the path.
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And I was shocked that I even knew how to, you know, do this kind of fighting.
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Anyway, there came a point where i was like okay i know that
00:49:07 ►
i’m weaker than this this shaman so i’m gonna have to be clever and uh so i ended up sacrificing
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one of my hands and he put this uh sword um through it and i held on to the sword, you know, right through my hand. And I was able to plunge it back into his heart and put my hand in his body and tore his heart out of him.
00:49:36 ►
I held his heart in my hand.
00:49:39 ►
And I said, I have a very crucial question to ask myself.
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Am I going to throw his heart away because I’m so angry at him?
00:49:54 ►
Or am I going to bless his heart?
00:49:57 ►
And I chose to blow a blessing into his heart and I put it back into his body.
00:50:03 ►
00:50:03 ►
And that really has continued to guide me throughout this.
00:50:09 ►
And really, you know, seeing this as a larger issue,
00:50:12 ►
that these very skilled, masterful leaders,
00:50:20 ►
understandably, have a balance in their sexual development because there’s been so much training
00:50:27 ►
in one area you know think of it like a master surgeon in a medical hospital here in the states
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you know maybe they’re not best in their love relationship or you know there’s an imbalance so
00:50:40 ►
I really see that that there’s a skewedness in their relationship with sexuality, and it expresses itself in this unethical form of misusing their power.
00:50:55 ►
And it causes trauma for the woman, more often the woman.
00:51:00 ►
Maybe there are some men who have experienced it.
00:51:02 ►
And then it has ripple effects or in these
00:51:05 ►
communities who are outraged and then also the ripple effects in terms of the larger community
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around the use of plant teachers and hallucinogenic medicine so it’s it really creates a huge impact and and it um you know ultimately i feel like the best case scenario
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is to maximize the benefit of these plants and minimize the harm so in terms of minimizing the
00:51:37 ►
harm is to really look at our culture of externalizing our power to a healer or to a leader.
00:51:47 ►
And that’s just not acceptable, especially in the realm of vegetalismo,
00:51:57 ►
that we are not able to do that, to think that another person who’s a master has our best interests at heart
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and that they are completely a whole and healed being so that’s like a wake-up call for all of us
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and that really to focus our energy on taking responsibility for our healing path and getting good information and stories about the particular person that we’re interested in having ceremony with and really doing our research and homework and setting up the best possible scenario for us to maximize
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the benefits of these plants and so and it’s happening there are online sites with
00:52:55 ►
you know information actually listing the names of particular iowa scaros and there’s a lot of great sites on, you know, listing safety tips for everyone.
00:53:11 ►
00:53:11 ►
And, you know, this includes not only sexual issues in ceremony, but just in general,
00:53:20 ►
traveling to another country and making oneself safe in ceremonies, because
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this, you know, we are dealing with altered states of consciousness where many different
00:53:34 ►
kinds of things can happen.
00:53:37 ►
So, yeah.
00:53:42 ►
Yes, thank you so much for saying that, Yalila.
00:53:45 ►
Yeah, the personal responsibility piece is essential, and you’re right.
00:53:50 ►
There are certainly sites that we can look to research these people before we go down and put ourselves in their hands.
00:54:02 ►
And so, yeah, personal responsibility is huge, huge, huge. Yeah. I mean, in other words,
00:54:11 ►
I mean, you do everything you possibly can. Yeah. You know, to to ensure your own protection and
00:54:19 ►
preservation. Right? Yes, exactly. And, and really, so once we do that on the personal level
00:54:26 ►
of doing what we can to keep ourselves safe, then it’s in terms of community safety, and looking at
00:54:33 ►
the issues of, you know, what what are our expectations, you know, the thousands of people
00:54:40 ►
that travel to South America for these ceremonies. It’s wonderful that there are these medicine baskets that are being opened and information
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and ceremonies are being shared.
00:54:52 ►
And to look at the big picture in terms of, well, what is the meaning of this healing
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that we are receiving, this knowledge that we’re receiving, and how are we going to integrate
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it back into our lives wherever we’re building our information and share.
00:55:31 ►
And this is also a place to share information.
00:55:34 ►
People have had challenging times, either sexual misconduct or other kinds of issues with retreat centers.
00:55:42 ►
I mean, this is the time where we can share information.
00:55:47 ►
And also, you know, in terms of the integration piece,
00:55:53 ►
that one thing that I’m focused on more so is having regular community gatherings
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where we’re sending people off who are traveling for ceremonies
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and we’re welcoming these travelers back as a community in ritual beautiful beautiful wow
00:56:16 ►
wow i could see that starting to happen all over the place i mean that’s a really really good idea
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really good and then really sets the course for their integration of the experience upon their return.
00:56:31 ►
So I mentioned that just in terms of, you know, the larger issues around why we’re going,
00:56:41 ►
traveling and going to these ceremonies and some of us for sexual healing
00:56:45 ►
and that there’s there’s a bigger piece uh that needs tending to as well yes and i think also
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this bigger piece back to this um experience you had this very shamanic vision you had of
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fighting that shaman and then finally holding his heart in your hands.
00:57:06 ►
And you were at a decision point there as to whether you’re going to decimate this guy
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or if you’re going to see from this larger picture and then blow that blessing into his
00:57:18 ►
00:57:18 ►
And I talked to one of my shaman teachers when I first found out about this kind of
00:57:24 ►
thing going on.
00:57:26 ►
And he said, Shana, listen, these people, he said, I’m not excusing their behavior,
00:57:31 ►
but they have been so abused by these other dominating cultures over the years,
00:57:40 ►
like tremendously abused.
00:57:42 ►
And then, of course, you know, the churches come in there,
00:57:44 ►
and there have been some very egregious, egregious, horrific abuses
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that we know about as well.
00:57:49 ►
I mean, they are committing their own sexual criminality,
00:57:53 ►
which has been going on for a long time.
00:57:54 ►
And he said, so that stuff infests the culture.
00:57:58 ►
And then he said, think about it, Shauna, you’ve got this guy,
00:58:02 ►
this, you know, simple, brilliant guy, but very simple
00:58:05 ►
living person. And now all of a sudden, these people are showing up, and lots of women and
00:58:11 ►
beautiful women. And again, he said, this can be very intoxicating and overwhelming. And again,
00:58:19 ►
not making excuses for these guys, but he was wanting me to sort of just see the more human, larger picture
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here. And then he said, remember all these decades of abuse that these people have gone through? He
00:58:31 ►
said, it just perpetuates itself. So he was saying something needs to be done here, addressed to
00:58:38 ►
help these people heal. Because here we go descending, all of us westerners on these people for our healing and
00:58:47 ►
like so many westerners you know we’re sort of just uh bred to just take take take take take
00:58:54 ►
and then what do we give back and uh so so these beautiful cultures are also holding their own wounds.
00:59:22 ►
And so when you speak of the greater culture, you know, and, you know, what we’re doing for ourselves, of course, yes, there would or must also be this piece where we endeavor to, you know, give something back to these people because they are giving us so much. So much, so much.
00:59:22 ►
because they are giving us so much.
00:59:24 ►
So much, so much.
00:59:29 ►
And, you know, one of the things that I continually check within myself and also, you know, the many people that come to me
00:59:32 ►
who share the challenging stories that they experience sexual traumatization,
00:59:40 ►
you know, in a ceremony, and I don’t know, they find me
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and they somehow want to tell me
00:59:46 ►
their story and you know I have to say that when I first interact with them I’m going to start where
00:59:53 ►
they’re at and I’m going to you know listen and validate what they’re feeling and and really
01:00:01 ►
emphasize yes it is unethical etc and what And what I found is that, you know, like as the months pass and their healing progresses
01:00:11 ►
and they become stronger, that then there is a place to bring in the message
01:00:16 ►
that this really is an opportunity to see that shadow and sexuality within ourselves. That there is something that energy attracts like attracts like.
01:00:30 ►
You know, there’s something there in a mysterious way that there’s a lesson,
01:00:36 ►
you know, that our souls wanted to experience.
01:00:41 ►
And that this shadow is really a representation of what exists in ourselves and in
01:00:47 ►
our culture so i just see that this this explosion recently of more people coming out and sharing
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their story and it’s more on the community level and people are taking action i think is wonderful because I see that as a healing step for our macro sexual development.
01:01:10 ►
And so there’s all these layers that are turning at the same time.
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And it’s all, I’m in a place now where I see it all as just perfect and it’s all mysterious and I feel optimistic.
01:01:33 ►
Yeah, well, I do too, because I do see more and more people really waking up and actually, you know, wanting to initiate some kind of action
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in whatever field it is that they feel drawn to.
01:01:51 ►
But certainly in the psychedelic realms, my goodness,
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I mean, we are growing quite a bit exponentially.
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And then as we are growing, of course, these issues come up.
01:02:04 ►
And then it is, all right, how are you going to deal with this?
01:02:09 ►
And so, yeah, I see a lot of very creative and exciting applications here.
01:02:19 ►
01:02:19 ►
Well, sweetie, this has been wonderful.
01:02:22 ►
And we’re going to have to do this again.
01:02:24 ►
There’s always more to discuss, but I think we’ve given people some good fruit to chew on here.
01:02:35 ►
So is there any parting words you would like to say before we close?
01:02:40 ►
01:02:41 ►
01:03:08 ►
Yes. Yes, that today is always a good time to love yourself and give yourself the space to remember your wholeness and your vibrancy and to clear what you don’t need to carry and to regenerize yourself and tap into your heart’s desire. It sounds, you know, a little bit California, you know, love,
01:03:13 ►
but I just really to highlight the importance that change can happen at any moment
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and that magic is possible all the time.
01:03:28 ►
Well, that’s actually very timely that you would say that,
01:03:31 ►
and I will just chime in here and say that astrology was once a very highly revered science,
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and it still very much is.
01:03:40 ►
The positions of the planets and the magnetics of them,
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the positions of the planets and the magnetics of them.
01:03:47 ►
And speaking about how change can occur,
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quite very quickly,
01:03:54 ►
we have right now the planet Uranus,
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and it’s playing a big role,
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and it is conjuncting Pluto.
01:04:03 ►
Pluto is the planet that represents darkness,
01:04:04 ►
what has been hidden.
01:04:06 ►
And so those two come together.
01:04:11 ►
Uranus is about lightning fast change.
01:04:16 ►
And it is about Tesla style insight as well. And if ever we needed some out of the box ideas, it is now because the box is an absolute mess.
01:04:24 ►
But in any case, so these two planets are
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conjuncting and so what has been uh hidden uh whatever that is is being radically uh exposed
01:04:36 ►
uh but accompanied by this uh extraordinary insight in terms of how to address that because of course we cannot heal or uh uh
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correct what we can’t see or won’t see so so all of that i see like just in terms of even our
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conversation about these unscrupulous shamans that has to be seen and addressed so it can be
01:04:59 ►
uh corrected and and healed or some people are just very bad people and they need to be put away,
01:05:05 ►
period, the end as well. But in any case, Uranus represents that change on a dime,
01:05:12 ►
lightning fast change, and it is very active and it’s going to be active for some time to come.
01:05:18 ►
So those words you are saying, actually, you have very good backup backup dear by some larger rather large uh massive bodies
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in uh in the cosmos a wonderful and and along those lines uh just to celebrate the transition
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into the year of the sheep for all those that celebrate the Chinese New Year.
01:05:48 ►
Yeah, yeah, this is going to be very interesting.
01:05:49 ►
01:05:50 ►
Very interesting.
01:05:51 ►
Well, thank you, sweetie.
01:05:52 ►
You’re very interesting.
01:05:57 ►
You’re fascinating, and I love your heart.
01:05:59 ►
I really love what you have created and what you are continuing to envision and activate,
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and thank you so much for this good, good work you are doing.
01:06:07 ►
Thank you.
01:06:08 ►
Right back to you.
01:06:10 ►
Thanks, sweetie.
01:06:10 ►
We’ll talk soon.
01:06:12 ►
01:06:12 ►
Okay, bye.
01:06:14 ►
You’re listening to The Psychedelic Salon,
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where people are changing their lives one thought at a time.
01:06:21 ►
How things have changed since Terrence McKenna first came on the scene in the 1980s.
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Back then, the only way to hear discussions like the one we just listened to was to be lucky enough
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to have a friend who maybe recorded something at a workshop that they attended and of which they’re
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now passing around copies. Back then, if 40 people attended a weekend with Terrence McKenna,
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well, it would take years for even a few hundred people
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to have eventually been able to find a copy of a recording of it.
01:06:50 ►
But today, with the Internet and podcasting,
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two medicine women can have a discussion about topics of interest
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to the psychedelic community at large,
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and within a month, hundreds of thousands of people will have heard it.
01:07:02 ►
This is big, my friends.
01:07:04 ►
But if you’re under 30, you’re most likely taking all of this will have heard it. This is big, my friends. But if you’re under 30,
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you’re most likely taking all of this new tech for granted.
01:07:10 ►
You know, in a way, we’re just like fish
01:07:11 ►
who don’t notice the fact that they’re immersed in water.
01:07:14 ►
Our water just happens to be high-tech.
01:07:17 ►
So what I recommend is that every once in a while
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we pause for a moment and think about
01:07:22 ►
how much tech we have used in the past 24 hours. How many times an hour do you check your email, for example? And if your web phone
01:07:30 ►
is now something so central to your daily life that you keep it with you at all times,
01:07:35 ►
well then keep in mind that it still hasn’t been even eight years since the iPhone was
01:07:40 ►
first released. This is the dawn of a new age, all right. I’m just not sure what kind of an age it’s going to be.
01:07:48 ►
But Yalila isn’t the first medicine person that I’ve met
01:07:50 ►
who finds a web phone to be an integral part
01:07:53 ►
of the modern shaman’s medicine kit.
01:07:57 ►
And I’ll leave you to mull that over on your own.
01:08:00 ►
Now, before I go, I want to mention a couple of podcasts
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that I’ve been interviewed on.
01:08:05 ►
The most recent one hasn’t actually been posted yet, so I’ll save that announcement for another day.
01:08:10 ►
But if you’re interested in some of my non-salon ramblings, you can surf on over to the Health and Wellness Encinita podcast,
01:08:17 ►
where number 11 is titled, The History and Future of Cannabis and Psychedelics in Medicine with Lorenzo Haggerty.
01:08:24 ►
The History and Future of Cannabis and Psychedelics in Medicine with Lorenzo Haggerty.
01:08:32 ►
And the other one is a more wide-ranging discussion that I had with Matt Landis and his friends at the Tink Tink Club.
01:08:39 ►
And I’ll put links to both of those podcasts in today’s program notes, which you know you can get to via
01:08:44 ►
Also, in a few days, I’ll be posting two podcasts in a row a fundraising announcement will be the focus of one of them
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and the Bard McKenna will be featured in the second one
01:08:51 ►
the first podcast will be quite brief
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and it’s going to cover the details of this year’s fund drive
01:08:57 ►
during which we will hopefully raise enough money
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to keep these podcasts coming to you for one more year
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but that program will be mercifully
01:09:05 ►
short. The main topic that I’ll actually be covering in that podcast will be about an updated
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edition of the Genesis Generation, which has a new final chapter that ties up some loose ends and is
01:09:17 ►
also coming out in paperback. But for now, this is Lorenzo signing off from cyberdelic space.
01:09:24 ►
Be careful out there, my friends.