Program Notes
Guest speaker: Dr. Timothy Leary
NOTE: All quotations are by Dr. Timothy Leary.]
“Of course, what the politicians debate about is really irrelevant because they’re in basic agreement. They believe in the system. They just want the power to run it. So they give us the illusion about fighting fiercely about words and tactics and promises, but we know, don’t we, that there’s no choice there.”
“What’s it all about? What’s life all about? Why are we here? To build bigger and bigger machines? To do things faster and faster and think more and more? In fifty years everyone will know what I’m telling you tonight. That the only reason for being here is to get on this glorious adventure of finding the Divine, unraveling the great conscious mystery story. That’s the only point, ecstatic being, that is, get high and stay high.”
“Dope is going to be the religion of the future.”
“You just can’t drop LSD the way you slug a beer. It’s much too intricate”
“Once you start playing around with reality you are never the same.”
“Most of you aren’t ready to take psychedelic drugs now because you haven’t done much work on the yoga of the senses. To put it in a word, most of you are senseless.”
“It may not come as a surprise to an audience of Catholics that the sensory realm has, since the dawn of human history, been recognized as one of the great sacramental approaches to the divine. And any religion that has lasted for any time at all has utilized the sensual experience as a way of turning on the beholder, getting him high, getting him ameliorated to a god-intoxicated state.”
“If you don’t have a sacred place stick to beer.”
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195 - The Future of Higher Intelligence Part 2
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Greetings from cyberdelic space.
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This is Lorenzo, and I’m your host here in the psychedelic salon.
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This is Lorenzo, and I’m your host here in the Psychedelic Salon.
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And if you’re a regular here, then you probably are a little surprised that I’m posting another podcast so soon.
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Well, the truth is that since I wasn’t able to make it to Burning Man this year,
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I’m really missing the vibe of being around the tribe. And even though you and I aren’t together in person right now,
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it still somehow feels like we’re sharing a space of some kind.
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Cyberdelic space, actually, now that I think about it.
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Well, another thing I’m thinking about right now is how generous Colin Kay and Lucian B. are,
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in that they both made very generous donations this past week to help offset some of the expenses incurred in producing and distributing these programs.
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So, Colin and Lucien, on behalf of myself, our fellow salonners, and the Timothy Leary Archive,
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I want to thank you both for helping us to get the word out about these very interesting ideas
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that were held by our psychedelic elders.
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the word out about these very interesting ideas that were held by our psychedelic elders.
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And I guess I should mention here that there have been quite a few requests for more Terrence McKenna lately, but thanks to my sloppy record keeping, I’ve lost track of the people who
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contacted me about some untapped resources in McKenna land.
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I know that there were at least three fellow salonners who said they would loan me a cassette tape to digitize and pass along to the rest of the salon.
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But as I’ve said in the past, I’ve just about had to give up on email due to the volume of spam primarily.
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And now I’m getting way behind in my Facebook email as well.
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So if you are one of those people, or if you know somebody who has a tape to loan me that we could use here in the salon, please send an email to SalonTapes, that’s all one word, S-A-L-O-N-T-A-P-E-S, SalonTapes at Matrix Masters.
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That’s M-A-T-R-I-X-M-A-S-T-E-R-S,
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And I’ll send you my P.O. Box information.
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I’d put that address out here in the podcast, but if you’re listening to this program in 2010 or later, there’s a chance that it won’t be valid anymore.
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Now let’s get on with today’s program.
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It’s a talk that Dr. Timothy Leary gave at the University of Notre Dame in the fall of
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- And if you recall, this wasn’t too long after the police riot at the Democratic National
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Convention in Chicago, not long before that. And to say the least, between the anti-war movement,
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the civil rights movement, and the anti-youth attitude of the government, things were coming
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apart at the seams just then. On the surface, at least, it was much more chaotic than the times
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are right now. But, hey, right now may just be a lull before the storm. Who knows?
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Anyway, what I think may be worth knowing before you hear this talk is a little bit
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about the audience that he was speaking to. Just four years before this
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talk was given, I actually graduated from that very same university, and I’m here to tell you
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that it was an unbelievably screwed down place. First of all, at the time there were no women
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there. It was an all-boys school. And while I’m not sure if this was still true in 1968,
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but as recently as 1964, the students still had very strict curfews, both during the week and on weekends.
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The big revolt while I was there had to do with eliminating the requirement to sign in at the little table outside of your dorm’s chapel each morning between 7 and 7.30.
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Fully dressed, I might add.
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It was most definitely a training camp for fascist youth. 7.30 a.m. Our level of worldly experience that we have today was practically non-existent back then.
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In fact, I had already graduated from college before I ever heard the word marijuana for the first time.
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Now just think about that for a minute.
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And so when you hear Dr. Leary talking about us men, that’s because his audience was most likely all male.
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was most likely all male.
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And when he’s talking about drugs,
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he’s talking to an audience whose knowledge of the subject of illicit substances was not as sophisticated as today’s junior high school student.
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So think of the talk we are now going to hear
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as Timothy Leary telling some adolescent boys
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that there’s a great big world out there,
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but they’d better grow up a bit before they begin to explore it.
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Now a last word of explanation is that at the very beginning of his talk, Dr. Leary
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calls the place Our Lady’s University.
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And although he slurs the word ours, so it sounds like he’s making a joke about it being
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an all-boys school, but I doubt if that’s the case, because they used to call it Our
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Lady’s University.
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But I doubt if that’s the case, because they used to call it Our Lady’s University.
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And back then, the thought of Notre Dame becoming co-ed was as far-fetched as the possibility of the Soviet Union collapsing.
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Although we now know that they both have collapsed and moved on.
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But enough of my chatter. Let’s join Dr. Timothy Leary now, as he takes on a very hostile audience.
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At least, that’s what my alumni magazine said about the event the next month.
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In fact, his appearance on the campus at the time was so upsetting to some of the alumni that they actually stopped making donations to the school.
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Me, I’d just returned from Vietnam and was about to leave on a year-long deployment to the Atlantic,
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so I had no time for the non-military world back then.
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But thanks to the magic of electronics and the miracle of the Internet,
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you and I are going to time-travel back to 1968 right now
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and line up on Timothy Leary’s side as he takes on the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame.
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Okay, I’m turned on.
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Are you? Dear friends of our ladies’ university,
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I want to say that it’s a particular pleasure for me to be here.
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I’ve always wanted to come to Notre Dame.
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After all, how could you be an Irish Catholic boy from Massachusetts
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named Timothy Leary,
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too small to get a football scholarship.
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You’d have to dream someday of coming to the center
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of Catholic wit and wisdom
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to talk about God.
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Now, I must lay it to you right at the beginning. to talk about God.
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Now, I must lay it to you right at the beginning.
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This is not going to be a debate.
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I hope, dear friends,
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there’s not a disappointment to you in this year of debates
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and competitions.
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You know, we got Hubert Nixon and Richard Humphrey debating all over the country.
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Of course, what the politicians debate about is really irrelevant because they’re in basic agreement.
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I mean, they believe in the system and they just want the power to run it.
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they believe in the system and they just want the power to run it. So they give us the illusion of fighting fiercely about words and tactics and promises that we know, don’t we, that
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there’s no choice there. Now what Dr. Cohen and I are going to talk about tonight is so
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important that there can not possibly be debate about it, because we’re talking about a way of life.
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We’re talking about religion.
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It’s my intention to try to take you on a trip tonight,
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or at least let you know what my trip is,
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my vision of the city of God,
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my picture of how man should be,
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and where he can find meaning and revelation,
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Dr. Cohen will be doing the same thing.
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Now, this may, I hope it doesn’t catch you by surprise,
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that we’re not going to compete.
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We just can’t compete.
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It’s not like, you know, Notre Dame versus Oklahoma.
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Notre Dame versus Oklahoma.
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No, it’s presenting the religious points of view.
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And let me tell you a little bit about, like a scorecard ahead of time, if you don’t have a program, about who I am and how I see Dr. Cohen.
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Dr. Cohen, I see as an eloquent and noble spokesman for the establishment.
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He’s more than that. He’s an eloquent and wise spokesman for a philosophy of life, a religious philosophy of life, which has ruled this planet, or certainly the western part of this planet, for the last few hundred years. He may want to rebut me on this, but I see him as a rationalist, as a man devoted to science, who believes that
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little steps of a man’s intellect and investigation lead to more and more knowledge, but never
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to an ultimate truth. I see him as humane. I see him as an
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intensely social person with a social conscience. I see him as a nobleman of the 20th century.
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He’s the best representative of the empire. Now, what’s the name of this empire? I forget.
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Greek, Turkish, Rome.
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Oh, yeah, the American Empire.
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In other days, I would have said
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that Dr. Cohen is the noblest Roman of them all.
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Now, my position is quite different.
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I don’t buy this system at all.
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I think it’s within minutes of collapsing.
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I try to live my life and look at the world about me
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with the eyes of someone who would live 50 years from now.
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So think of me, if you will, tenderly,
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as some sort of a mutant or someone from another planet, or perhaps
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someone caught in a time warp can suddenly hop down the stage here to talk to you about
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how things are going to be for your grandchildren 50 years from now.
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I have three themes that I’m going to weave together in my song or my psalm.
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Three very simple statements.
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The first is one that’s not strange to you, but it may seem surprising that someone would come before you today saying it.
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My first message is that the only purpose of life
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is the religious quest.
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The only reason for living
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is to seek God,
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to seek the divine experience,
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the divine union,
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the ecstasy,
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to get high and stay high.
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My second point is… Oh, and by the way, see, I’m implying, and maybe I better make
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it explicit, 50 years from now, people won’t be worried about getting college degrees,
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or about Notre Dame versus its next Saturday’s opponent, or about status, or about nationality, or about money, or about
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ambition. Come on, those games will be all over. Child’s play, child’s play. In 50 years
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from now, when computers and modern science make everything a time of leisure, when machines will do the muscle work,
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when machines will do the head work.
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What’s it all about?
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What’s life all about?
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Why are we here?
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To build bigger and bigger machines?
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To do things faster and faster and think more and more?
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In 50 years, everyone will know what I’m telling you tonight,
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that the only reason for being here
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is to get on this glorious adventure of finding the divine
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the great cosmic
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mystery story
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that’s the only point
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the ecstatic union
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that is
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get high and stay high
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not bad
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I must confess
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I’m addicted to it. It can be dangerous. I think it’s legal even in Indiana.
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But not in a month.
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My second point has to do with tactics.
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How to find divine meaning.
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Fifty years from now, it will be a cliché that the way man will find God,
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the way man will have his religious experiences, the way man will control God the way man will have his religious experiences
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the way man will control his psychology
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and his nervous system
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will be through the use of chemicals
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not just like marijuana LSD
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but chemicals which are much more basic
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much more powerful
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much more in tune
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with this incredible instrument we have
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that we call our nervous system
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to put it bluntly
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my second point is that dope is
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going to be the religion of the future. And my third point is a corollary to the first
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two, and that is that, you see, when you start playing with your nervous system, when you
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start taking psychedelic drugs, or when in the future man will be taking chemicals infinitely more powerful and more useful, everything
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is going to be much more complicated. You just can’t drop LSD the way you slug a beer.
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It’s much too intricate. So in the future, before anyone turns on to marijuana or LSD or mescaline or the new sacraments which will come along, we take it for granted that he will have mastered 21 spiritual disciplines, 21 yogas, if you will.
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what I’m saying to you is, in my third point,
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that I don’t think that any of you,
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or very few of you in this room at the present time
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have even
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an acquaintanceship with these
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21 spiritual disciplines which would allow you to
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and sincerely turn on.
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So I’m going to list 21 reasons why
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you’re probably not ready
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to take drugs at the present time.
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Okay. One, two, three.
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One, the name of the game is God.
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Two, dope is the religion of the future.
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And three, a list of 21 reasons why you’re not ready to turn on.
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You’re not ready to become an ordinary bourgeois average citizen like me of the year 2001.
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Okay, the name of the game is God.
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You know, as I read the paper, which I rarely do,
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why let them copy mine that way, or Time magazine,
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and I see what’s going on on this planet and this country,
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it really is amazing.
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There probably has never
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been a time, I know there’s never been a time in human history, when there’s been more destruction
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and more hatred apparent and finger on the trigger. Oh yeah, Dr. Cronin will tell you
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that there have been times in the past, many times in the past, when men have murdered
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and raped and men have done terrible things to each other and to their women. Sure, there’s
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often racial prejudice and neighbors fighting
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and religious warfare and so forth,
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but there’s never been a time, obviously,
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when an Arab dictator or a crazed Chinese dictator
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had that button there that he could press,
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or where the entire planet is looped up into Marshall McLuhan’s global village
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so we know exactly what’s going on,
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or where there’s been such an intensity of hatred,
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north-south, black-white, east-west, you name it.
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And the interesting thing to me about this,
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because that doesn’t worry me,
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because we’ve been through this many times before,
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and we know how the problem is solved.
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We don’t lose our cool over politicians fighting and all that
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because we know what happens.
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We know that God always sends a man down,
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a group of men down to lead us back.
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But the thing that interests me today is
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where is the voice of God?
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Hey, where is it?
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Who’s saying it?
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Where are the men and the women
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that have come to our rescue in the past
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and stood up naked
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with that light shining out of their eyes
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as you know they’ve been so turned on
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by some revelation,
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there’s no mistake in it,
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just to be near them
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and you feel it.
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And they remind us of the truths
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that we tend to forget.
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That we’re all brothers and sisters,
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regardless of any of these other differences.
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That we’re one or every other form of life,
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mammalian, vegetable,
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that the whole thing is a unity.
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And that we’re here for one reason,
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and only one reason,
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to make love,
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to love God,
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to love our women,
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to love our children,
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to love our friends,
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to love people of different origins.
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Come on.
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We know that. We know that’s the only message. And who’s saying it today? Where, dear friends, are the voices of organized
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religion? Copping our minds and blowing our minds with that old message so we can’t possibly
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mistake it. I look around at the Jewish rabbis, wonderful, humane, intelligent, wise
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men, and I hear them concerned about the state of Israel, and about peace, and about poverty,
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and about raising money for their new synagogue in the suburbs. And I’m really scared because
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I look to the Catholic Church,
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which for 2,000 years has given us the divine message.
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And at every crucial time in human history,
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when the dark night of the soul, when it looked as though we were going down,
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there was a St. Thomas or a St. Augustine with his vision of the city of God on earth,
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or a St. Teresa battling his Oshetian LSD,
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or a St. John of the Cross, or even a Pope John? And
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what are the Catholic voices saying today? I hear 70- and 80-year-old cardinals in their
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quavering voices attacking the young priests and nuns about birth control. Wow.
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Well, I insist upon being ecumenical here.
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Let me attack the Protestant.
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I hear Billy Graham on the right wing of the Protestant church
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it’s the whole thing is a crusade against atheist godless communism.
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And on the left wing of the Protestant church,
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I hear the voice of someone wonderful and articulate and handsome
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and energetic and vigorous,
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like Chaplain William Sloan Coffin of Yale.
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and energetic and vigorous, like Chaplain William Sloan Coffin of Yale.
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Does any of you read, I’m sure all of you do your homework in that distinguished scholarly journal known as Playboy Magazine.
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Did any of you read the interview with Reverend Coffin about two months ago? I read it several times, because it really flipped me.
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several times, because they really, really flip me. Reverend Coughlin was asked,
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Chaplain Coughlin, what can the Church today do to bring the young people back to religion,
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back to established creeds? Reverend Coughlin had the answer to that. He said, I’ll tell you what the churches have to do
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of all the nominations to bring the kids back
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to the fold.
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They’ve got to change their priorities.
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And number one, on the agenda of the churches,
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we’ve got to put Vietnam.
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Number two, on the agenda of the churches,
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we’ve got to put racial discrimination.
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Number three, we’ve got to have the ghetto.
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Number four, we’ve got poverty.
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And the churches have got to see that
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enormous sums of money
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are appropriated to take care of these evil.
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My God!
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It sounds as though
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the divine power is a McCarthyite.
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Incidentally, in his interview,
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which went about 15 pages,
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Reverend Coffey mentioned the word God once.
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He mentioned CIA about 12 or 13 times.
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I guess that’s the devil, huh?
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The only time that Reverend Coffey mentioned the word God
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was a class of Yaleism.
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He said,
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If someone doesn’t believe in God
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I consider that quite unfortunate
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but not immoral.
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He said the same thing about the alien.
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Later on in the interview
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Reverend Coffin
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laid it right on the line.
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He made it very clear
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that why he was doing what he was doing,
00:22:28 ►
you know, fighting the draft
00:22:29 ►
and becoming a spokesman
00:22:31 ►
for the articulate young people,
00:22:32 ►
the apostle of the young people,
00:22:35 ►
that he’s just part of the Yale establishment.
00:22:37 ►
He’s just good old Bill Coffin,
00:22:39 ►
the left end of the bulldog Eli T.
00:22:43 ►
Because he says
00:22:45 ►
later on,
00:22:47 ►
he’s talking now to the establishment,
00:22:49 ►
if the political convention
00:22:51 ►
is this summer, and if
00:22:53 ►
the election this fall
00:22:55 ►
gives us four more years of the same thing,
00:22:59 ►
the young people, in their disillusionment
00:23:01 ►
and in their sorrow,
00:23:03 ►
will leave the country in droves
00:23:05 ►
or what’s worse
00:23:06 ►
will turn off
00:23:08 ►
00:23:10 ►
inner visions
00:23:13 ►
and private
00:23:16 ►
spiritual ecstasies.
00:23:20 ►
My God!
00:23:22 ►
Reverend Chapman,
00:23:24 ►
what’s religion all about?
00:23:26 ►
I thought that’s what we’re supposed to be doing, turning on to private spiritual essence and pursuing individuals.
00:23:35 ►
Well, who’s given us the old word?
00:23:40 ►
Today, I don’t think anyone.
00:24:06 ►
Today, I don’t think anyone. A couple of years ago, there were a group of people in this country, young people, who were saying what’s always been said, reminding us of the old message about love and letting your hair grow and giving everything away and not joining the Roman Empire and dropping out and just wandering around, loving God and loving everybody and trying to live a happy life.
00:24:09 ►
They were called hippies.
00:24:12 ►
But they were called hippies not by themselves.
00:24:14 ►
You know, as well as I, that the whole hippie thing
00:24:17 ►
was invented by Time magazine
00:24:19 ►
and exploited by the record companies
00:24:22 ►
and taken over by Madison Avenue
00:24:24 ►
and then when it had served its purpose
00:24:26 ►
was just dropped.
00:24:27 ►
But that had nothing to do
00:24:29 ►
with the authentic religious movement
00:24:30 ►
which was going on in this country
00:24:31 ►
and which is growing in this country
00:24:33 ►
and which has spread all over the world.
00:24:36 ►
I can’t say that.
00:24:37 ►
I don’t know if it went to China.
00:24:39 ►
We’re doing fine in Czechoslovakia.
00:24:44 ►
The hippies had the effrontery
00:24:46 ►
to lay the old trip on us
00:24:51 ►
to remind us of what it’s all about
00:24:53 ►
and down on their heads
00:24:54 ►
came the police
00:24:56 ►
and the narcotics bureaus
00:24:58 ►
and the health departments
00:25:00 ►
and the mass media
00:25:02 ►
and of course, today,
00:25:05 ►
the worst thing to say on anyone is,
00:25:07 ►
he’s a hippie.
00:25:09 ►
Well, the hippie movement is doing nicely, thank you.
00:25:12 ►
It’s a brotherhood.
00:25:13 ►
It’s one of the secret brotherhoods
00:25:15 ►
which we’ve always had with us
00:25:16 ►
and which have always pulled our fat out of the fire.
00:25:20 ►
The Islamic religion calls them Sufis.
00:25:22 ►
The Catholic Church has seen hundreds and hundreds
00:25:24 ►
of such movements
00:25:25 ►
of people who quit, dropped out of the system,
00:25:28 ►
and went barefoot off into the country
00:25:30 ►
and just prayed and chanted and stayed by themselves
00:25:33 ►
and did good things and radiated good things.
00:25:36 ►
And they always got taken over in 50, 100 years, but that’s all right.
00:25:40 ►
This ancient brotherhood is alive today.
00:25:43 ►
The interesting thing is, because of evolution,
00:25:45 ►
everyone’s alive today. Everyone who’s ever lived is alive today. The interesting thing is, because of evolution, everyone’s alive today.
00:25:46 ►
Everyone who’s ever lived is alive today.
00:25:47 ►
We’ve got more holy men, holy women,
00:25:50 ►
wandering around the face of the earth now
00:25:52 ►
than we’ve ever had before.
00:25:53 ►
Of course, there are more scientists now
00:25:54 ►
than there ever were before.
00:25:56 ►
And there are probably more Hitlers
00:25:56 ►
than there ever were before.
00:25:57 ►
It all balances out.
00:25:59 ►
Makes for an exciting ballgame, doesn’t it?
00:26:03 ►
But don’t be deceived by the mass media. If all you know about the
00:26:09 ►
hippie movement is what you’ve read in the magazines, you may be surprised to know that
00:26:13 ►
it’s doing fine, that there are literally thousands of communes and small groups who
00:26:19 ►
have drifted away from the cities, and you don’t hear about them because they don’t want to be heard about.
00:26:26 ►
They’re just doing their thing and loving God and working out the way of life of the
00:26:32 ►
year 2001. Now, living the life 2001 is going to involve, is going to center on the use of chemicals,
00:26:45 ►
which you now call drugs or dope.
00:26:50 ►
Now, this came to me in a revelation,
00:26:54 ►
but I can now spell it out for you in logical terms,
00:26:57 ►
which seems to me hard to quarrel with.
00:27:00 ►
Point number one, the human nervous system is a biochemical network
00:27:05 ►
point number two
00:27:07 ►
slight changes in your biochemistry
00:27:09 ►
completely change your consciousness
00:27:11 ►
your sensing, your thinking
00:27:13 ►
your remembering, your perceiving
00:27:15 ►
the whole works
00:27:16 ►
a little pinch of chemical applied
00:27:19 ►
to your nervous system
00:27:20 ►
just gives you a new ball game
00:27:22 ►
the discovery by man that he had chemicals
00:27:30 ►
which could change his nervous system, could make him feel good, could make him feel bad,
00:27:36 ►
could make him feel leavened, or could make him feel aggressive, could make him feel horny
00:27:41 ►
or turn him on, could speed up his thinking or slow it down.
00:27:47 ►
Could intensify his memory or wipe it out.
00:27:51 ►
And do a hundred other psychological, neurological things
00:27:55 ►
that we don’t have the language for now because the psychology is so crude.
00:27:59 ►
This discovery by a man has been known, of course, for thousands and thousands of years,
00:28:03 ►
but the scientific discovery of it in been known, of course, for thousands and thousands of years, but the scientific
00:28:05 ►
discovery of it in this decade, I think, is the second or third most important thing which
00:28:15 ►
has happened in the long history of the human race. I would say the first important thing
00:28:19 ►
that happened to make us men and women is when we discovered we could put our thumb
00:28:23 ►
this way and then put something in between.
00:28:25 ►
Then you have the club or you have the plow or the stick
00:28:27 ►
which has led to all of our current science.
00:28:31 ►
And until psychedelics, atomics, and electronics,
00:28:33 ►
that is up through Newton,
00:28:35 ►
there’s really nothing added.
00:28:37 ►
The machines and the jet engines and so forth
00:28:39 ►
is just making more powerful
00:28:42 ►
that one implement that man picked up
00:28:44 ►
at the dawn of human history.
00:28:46 ►
As soon as he did that, he was no longer an animal.
00:28:47 ►
He was a different species.
00:28:50 ►
The second and most important thing,
00:28:52 ►
which probably correlated to the first,
00:28:54 ►
is the first time man discovered he could pick a seed
00:28:56 ►
and he could put it in the ground.
00:28:58 ►
Because then he was playing God, in a way.
00:29:01 ►
He was doing something that before only divine providence could do,
00:29:05 ►
rule the seasons and decide what would be blossoming and how much would be grown. A
00:29:13 ►
man put that seed in the ground. Yeah, a man putting seed in his womb, of course, like
00:29:18 ►
every other form of life. When we put that seed in the ground, something spiritual and
00:29:22 ►
different happened to make us a different
00:29:25 ►
species. And the third thing, as I said, is the discovery that we can do anything with
00:29:30 ►
our nervous system. Now you see, that is a Promethean step, and man is enroaching upon
00:29:37 ►
many frightening aspects which previously had been attributed to the divine. Because what that means is
00:29:45 ►
that you can determine your reality. If you want a different reality, you have to learn
00:29:53 ►
how to do it, but you can take the right chemicals, move your nervous system around, and it will
00:29:58 ►
exist. Because you all know that what is real to you is simply what your nervous system
00:30:02 ►
registers and tells you is there. And you well know that if someone is psychotic, their reality is entirely different from your consensual reality.
00:30:12 ►
Or if someone takes a powerful psychedelic like LSD, again, reality is entirely different or multiple.
00:30:20 ►
Now this is a tremendously frightening step.
00:30:27 ►
Now this is a tremendously frightening step, because once you start playing around with reality, you are never the same.
00:30:32 ►
You’ve taken that big step, because once you start playing around with your inner reality,
00:30:38 ►
with the center of your consciousness, from that point on you’re never quite sure what’s really real. Because
00:30:47 ►
you realize how flimsy, artifact, how accidental what we consider real is. You know, a number
00:30:53 ►
of names, South Bend, Indiana, Joe Jones, the United States of America. Just an accident
00:30:58 ►
of biochemistry and neurology and pharmacology. And it be entirely different. It’s pretty frightening
00:31:05 ►
because once these realities
00:31:08 ►
begin to move around,
00:31:09 ►
it’s all changing.
00:31:11 ►
Where was that nice cozy place
00:31:12 ►
I used to have back in Notre Dame?
00:31:14 ►
Yeah, with beer on Saturday night
00:31:15 ►
and all that.
00:31:15 ►
Yeah, this is one
00:31:17 ►
of any number of possibilities.
00:31:20 ►
Now, there’s no backing away from this.
00:31:23 ►
Electronics, atomics, psychedelics are here to stay.
00:31:27 ►
We’re going to have to learn how to use them.
00:31:30 ►
And maybe we’re going to have to summon up all of the wisdom and the spiritual help,
00:31:35 ►
and we’re going to meet all the prayer and the virtue that has ever been needed in the past.
00:31:42 ►
It’s got to be brought to focus on this new development
00:31:45 ►
which is going to take place.
00:31:49 ►
Even today,
00:31:50 ►
in primitive caveman,
00:31:52 ►
00:31:54 ►
we have chemicals
00:31:55 ►
which can move
00:31:57 ►
consciousness to at least
00:31:59 ►
seven different levels.
00:32:02 ►
Let me try to give you
00:32:03 ►
a specific example of what I mean by this.
00:32:08 ►
About two weeks ago I had a book coming out called The Politics of Ecstasy. This is the
00:32:12 ►
theology of our new religion. I had a book come out this week called High Preach, which
00:32:18 ►
is the first volume of our Bible. What’s a Bible? A Bible is simply the record of the mistakes
00:32:28 ►
and the aspirations
00:32:30 ►
and the accidents
00:32:31 ►
and the triumphs
00:32:33 ►
of a group of God-seekers.
00:32:36 ►
Now, in this theology,
00:32:39 ►
the Polytheism of Ecstasy,
00:32:40 ►
I suggest that there is useful
00:32:41 ►
to think of seven levels of consciousness.
00:32:44 ►
And for each level of consciousness, there is a natural chemical in your body,
00:32:49 ►
or there’s a chemical which you can get from plants and vegetables out there,
00:32:52 ►
which are also natural, to change, to move your consciousness,
00:32:55 ►
any one of these seven levels.
00:32:57 ►
I won’t go into details here, I’ll simply list them.
00:32:59 ►
Sleep, stupor, emotional stupor, symbolic consciousness,
00:33:03 ►
that’s ordinary thinking sensory awareness
00:33:06 ►
where everything is sensual
00:33:08 ►
somatic awareness
00:33:09 ►
where you’re in tune
00:33:09 ►
with your body
00:33:10 ►
cellular awareness
00:33:11 ►
where you’re in tune
00:33:11 ►
with the DNA code
00:33:12 ►
and you can decide for that
00:33:13 ►
and take the reincarnation trip
00:33:14 ►
and seven
00:33:15 ►
the level of just
00:33:16 ►
electrical information
00:33:18 ►
which your nervous system
00:33:19 ►
can decode
00:33:20 ►
which for the standpoint
00:33:21 ►
of alliteration
00:33:22 ►
seven S’s I’ll call solar
00:33:24 ►
now the interesting thing is that which, for the standpoint of alliteration, 7S is what I’ll call solar.
00:33:32 ►
Now, the interesting thing is that there’s a drug that can produce energy states.
00:33:36 ►
Not only that, there are combinations of drugs,
00:33:43 ►
which can produce, you have a table of 7 times 7, 49 different experiences by just combining drugs.
00:33:46 ►
That means you take any part of it in your life and there are like 49 ways at least
00:33:49 ►
of having that experience.
00:33:51 ►
Let’s take, for example, the orgasm.
00:33:59 ►
There are at least 49 different types of orgasm.
00:34:04 ►
Now, most adults are familiar with a sensory type of orgasm
00:34:10 ►
or a symbolic type of orgasm where the mind is still there.
00:34:13 ►
Or if you had a few slugs of whiskey,
00:34:16 ►
you’re probably familiar with the alcoholic orgasm,
00:34:20 ►
which is better forgotten about the next day.
00:34:25 ►
Merciful amnesia of alcohol,
00:34:28 ►
it is right now possible to permute
00:34:33 ►
and exponentially expand this experience,
00:34:37 ►
which many of us consider to be the key spiritual exercise of life.
00:34:50 ►
The point I’m making is that discipline, study, know-how,
00:34:55 ►
in fact, a lifetime of practice and experiment is needed
00:34:59 ►
to deal with the energies of the future.
00:35:01 ►
That’s why I suggest that at least 21 spiritual disciplines
00:35:04 ►
or yogas will have to be mastered if you’re going to be just the average person of the
00:35:10 ►
year 2001.
00:35:20 ►
This particular sacred scroll I have in my hand is the laundry slip from the Holiday Inn on which I jotted my 21 yogas.
00:35:34 ►
Most of you aren’t ready to take Psylocke drugs now
00:35:36 ►
because you haven’t done much work
00:35:41 ►
on the yoga of the senses.
00:35:44 ►
To put it in a word, most of you are senseless.
00:35:47 ►
That is, the senses to you,
00:35:50 ►
the eye is something that shows you red light or green light,
00:35:53 ►
you can watch the scoreboard,
00:35:54 ►
or yes, it’s five dollar bill, not ten dollar bill.
00:35:56 ►
The eye is simply something that you use visually
00:35:58 ►
to help you in your games,
00:36:00 ►
as you go through the plastic robot jungle that you inhabit.
00:36:04 ►
The ear of somebody to get cues. You listen to the radio, television that you inhabit. The ear assembly to get cues.
00:36:06 ►
You listen to the radio, television,
00:36:07 ►
you listen to your lecturers,
00:36:09 ►
you listen to music.
00:36:11 ►
Listen to music.
00:36:12 ►
Ah, that’s interesting.
00:36:14 ►
Be careful.
00:36:17 ►
One of the interesting byproducts
00:36:20 ►
of the psychedelic revolution, of course,
00:36:22 ►
is the acceleration of interest
00:36:26 ►
and experiencing in the central domain.
00:36:31 ►
You see, when your consciousness is in your senses,
00:36:36 ►
you become the note.
00:36:38 ►
Your ear is one with the vibration of sounds.
00:36:40 ►
Your eye becomes one with light rays
00:36:44 ►
which are bouncing into it at 186,000
00:36:45 ►
miles a second. Your skin becomes one with the thing or person being touched. Now, it
00:36:56 ►
may not come as a surprise to an audience of Catholics that the sensory realm has, since
00:37:02 ►
the dawn of human history, been recognized as one of the great
00:37:05 ►
sacramental approaches to the divine. And any religion which has lasted for any time
00:37:11 ►
at all has utilized the sensual experience as a way of turning on the beholder, getting
00:37:18 ►
him high, getting him elevated to a God-intoxicated state.
00:37:26 ►
And certainly the Catholic Church
00:37:28 ►
knows more about
00:37:29 ►
the awakening of the senses
00:37:32 ►
and the centering of the senses
00:37:34 ►
and the using of the energy
00:37:35 ►
released by the senses
00:37:36 ►
for holy and sacred purposes
00:37:38 ►
than any institution
00:37:39 ►
that the world has ever seen.
00:37:41 ►
Wow, walking on those
00:37:42 ►
medieval cathedrals,
00:37:45 ►
Notre Dame
00:37:46 ►
or Chartres
00:37:46 ►
the whole thing
00:37:47 ►
is a sensory trip
00:37:48 ►
00:37:49 ►
that rose window
00:37:52 ►
the end
00:37:53 ►
that’s a monad
00:37:54 ►
shaped exactly
00:37:55 ►
as the retina
00:37:56 ►
of the eye
00:37:56 ►
a monad
00:37:57 ►
just pulls you
00:37:58 ►
right in
00:37:58 ►
pulls you right in
00:37:59 ►
so that you just
00:38:00 ►
00:38:00 ►
in that blind spot
00:38:02 ►
in the center
00:38:02 ►
of the retina
00:38:03 ►
out there
00:38:03 ►
which is the retina
00:38:04 ►
in your eye
00:38:04 ►
whack you’re high The Gregorian chant, based on a drone, just
00:38:10 ►
like the Hindu music of Ravi Shankar. It’s a drone. It’s that beat. It allows you to
00:38:16 ►
center yourself, like the center of the rose window at Shadrach. The incense. The genuflections.
00:38:24 ►
You move your body in such a way that you know you’re not playing a game of football or making out or any of these things.
00:38:32 ►
You’re in a position, kinesthetic, posture, your body, your sensory muscular stuff is telling you that you’re playing the metagame, that you’re seeking God.
00:38:47 ►
Now, of course, the marijuana boom of the last five years
00:38:54 ►
has tremendously intensified our interest in the senses.
00:39:00 ►
Marijuana is specifically the chemical which turns on the senses.
00:39:04 ►
The mind turns down a little,
00:39:07 ►
and instead of the emotions coming up the way it does in alcohol,
00:39:11 ►
the senses become alive.
00:39:13 ►
Most of our music, most of our young art today, as you know,
00:39:16 ►
is sensory art, it’s marijuana art.
00:39:18 ►
When the Rolling Stones get together with the Beatles in that studio in London,
00:39:22 ►
they get high.
00:39:25 ►
And they goof around for hours and hours and hours
00:39:26 ►
and then later they come down and edit it
00:39:28 ►
and then it’s sent over here
00:39:30 ►
to be heard by people who are high.
00:39:35 ►
And it’s well known too that marijuana
00:39:38 ►
is a tremendous intensifier of the sexual experience.
00:39:44 ►
Why? Because it turns down your mind.
00:39:46 ►
It’s a computer,
00:39:48 ►
and it puts your awareness into your senses
00:39:52 ►
and allows you to make union
00:39:54 ►
and conversation with the other person.
00:39:58 ►
Now, second, yoga.
00:40:00 ►
And all these sensory techniques require discipline.
00:40:04 ►
You just can’t turn on
00:40:07 ►
to your senses and expect something to happen
00:40:09 ►
it requires hundreds and hundreds
00:40:11 ►
of hours of training the eye
00:40:12 ►
as the Tibetans and Buddhists do
00:40:14 ►
in front of the mandala
00:40:15 ►
it takes many many hours of training the ear
00:40:17 ►
to find the drone
00:40:18 ►
there’s always a drone
00:40:20 ►
it’s the hum of the airplane
00:40:21 ►
it’s the hum of the river
00:40:22 ►
it’s the hum of the electric current in the building it’s the hum of the air, it’s the hum of the river, it’s the hum of the electric current in the building,
00:40:26 ►
it’s the hum of the air conditioning,
00:40:28 ►
the person who’s turned on, trained, disciplined spiritually,
00:40:32 ►
uses senses, can find that sound of God any place he goes.
00:40:39 ►
The second yoga that must be understood before you turn on is the yoga of the body, getting
00:40:50 ►
into your somatic processes, into your autonomic nervous system. You know that many Hindu adepts
00:40:56 ►
can do this. They can control bodily processes, which for most of us are involuntary. Pupillary reflexes, visceral reflexes, breathing reflexes, and so forth.
00:41:10 ►
A third reason why you’re not ready to turn on
00:41:13 ►
is because you’re not psychologically centered.
00:41:17 ►
That is, you don’t know who you are.
00:41:19 ►
You don’t know where the center of your personality is.
00:41:23 ►
You have to come to terms with your own
00:41:29 ►
personality and your own repertoire of neuroses and psychoses, or for God’s sake, stay away
00:41:36 ►
from psychotic drugs. Why? Because sooner or later, if you turn on your nervous system,
00:41:43 ►
Because sooner or later, if you turn on your nervous system,
00:41:56 ►
you’re going to stumble on dark rooms and chambers in your memory bank that are pretty grim.
00:42:00 ►
Every one of us has many aspects of psychosis.
00:42:07 ►
In our genetic memory banks, we have all sorts of untidy people with wild eyes and murderous looks and guilts and terrors and confusions and evils. Now, personality
00:42:20 ►
means you shut those up and you keep those doors locked and they never bother you but when you turn on
00:42:26 ►
any door can fly open
00:42:28 ►
because nothing is hidden
00:42:29 ►
you see anything that’s
00:42:32 ►
that’s around
00:42:33 ►
and you might confront certain aspects of yourself
00:42:36 ►
that flip you
00:42:38 ►
so weird and freaky
00:42:40 ►
that you’re going to scream for a doctor
00:42:41 ►
00:42:42 ►
the so called LSD psychosis course.
00:42:45 ►
This is an example of someone who
00:42:47 ►
probably would have had this happen anyway,
00:42:48 ►
but who has stumbled out to one of these
00:42:50 ►
rooms in the center, which we all have.
00:42:55 ►
Unless you’ve been working on yourself
00:42:57 ►
and are prepared to face this,
00:43:01 ►
stick the beer inside your mouth.
00:43:04 ►
Now, I’m not going to be able to tell you
00:43:07 ►
much detail about these 21 yogas, so I’m going to run through some of them. A fourth yoga,
00:43:12 ►
which most of you have not mastered, must master, and which your grandchildren will
00:43:16 ►
have mastered, is yoga of diet. See, the sad fact of the matter is you are what you eat.
00:43:35 ►
What did you have for dinner? When you turn on to your nervous system, you can suddenly be catapulted into confrontation with your own digestive tract. Now, as Puritan Americans who believe in clemeness,
00:43:49 ►
we don’t like to face the fact that dirt is just as much part of life as clemeness
00:43:55 ►
and that all life comes, in our fact, from manure.
00:44:00 ►
There are all sorts of untidy things we don’t like to face,
00:44:02 ►
like the fact that we have 200 yards, is it, of the lower intestine
00:44:05 ►
that is filled with decaying and rotting food that was down there in this part of our body.
00:44:11 ►
But when you take LSD, you are aware, can become aware, of this brute biological fact.
00:44:18 ►
I remember the first time this was brought home to me
00:44:20 ►
was the first time we ever gave LSD to Richard Alper when we were at Harvard.
00:44:24 ►
And we went to his apartment
00:44:25 ►
and we were having a fine
00:44:27 ►
experience there.
00:44:29 ►
And during the session, Richard went out to his
00:44:32 ►
kitchen. At that time,
00:44:34 ►
Richard Alpert had one of those
00:44:35 ►
shell of a door refrigerators.
00:44:37 ►
And he opened the door.
00:44:39 ►
And Richard got next to it and he opened the door
00:44:41 ►
of the refrigerator so that it came
00:44:42 ►
in front of his body. And he put his chin on the upper door of the door of the refrigerator so that it came in front of his body and he put his chin
00:44:45 ►
on the upper door
00:44:47 ►
of the shelter door.
00:44:49 ►
And we were looking at him
00:44:50 ►
and then he sees his head
00:44:51 ►
and there was his body, right?
00:44:53 ►
And we’re right.
00:44:56 ►
You get the picture.
00:44:58 ►
You know,
00:44:58 ►
plastic this
00:45:00 ►
and sarin wrap that
00:45:01 ►
and rotted this
00:45:02 ►
and where did those chops
00:45:03 ►
come from?
00:45:04 ►
And then Richard began looking down
00:45:07 ►
at his own belly
00:45:08 ►
and a little sweat began to come here.
00:45:12 ►
Richard was eating brown rice at the moment.
00:45:20 ►
You see, the yoga of diet and fasting
00:45:22 ►
is one of the oldest sacramental
00:45:25 ►
00:45:25 ►
for thousands
00:45:26 ►
of years
00:45:26 ►
men who
00:45:26 ►
wanted to
00:45:27 ►
find God
00:45:27 ►
have found
00:45:28 ►
it useful
00:45:29 ►
00:45:29 ►
rid the
00:45:32 ►
00:45:32 ►
of this
00:45:33 ►
00:45:33 ►
we have
00:45:33 ►
00:45:34 ►
stuck it
00:45:34 ►
with as
00:45:35 ►
though we
00:45:35 ►
were some
00:45:35 ►
00:45:36 ►
that had
00:45:37 ►
to be
00:45:37 ►
00:45:37 ►
every three
00:45:38 ►
times a
00:45:38 ►
00:45:38 ►
and that
00:45:38 ►
sort of
00:45:39 ►
00:45:39 ►
if you’re
00:45:41 ►
going to
00:45:43 ►
meet your
00:45:43 ►
00:45:43 ►
00:45:44 ►
fast for thousands of men who come close to God if you’re going to meet your maker it’s fasting
00:45:45 ►
for thousands of men
00:45:47 ►
who’ve come close to God
00:45:49 ►
you want to come pure
00:45:51 ►
you want to know exactly what’s there
00:45:53 ►
a little homemade bread
00:45:55 ►
or perhaps a little water
00:45:57 ►
that’s right
00:45:58 ►
00:45:58 ►
now you know
00:46:01 ►
fasting can get you high
00:46:04 ►
if you just go without eating for three or four days,
00:46:06 ►
it’s the equivalent of a cup of marijuana cigarettes.
00:46:10 ►
And even fasting is legal.
00:46:14 ►
Now, again, I want to remind you that these 21 yogas have been used for thousands of years.
00:46:20 ►
And the problem is that in the past, one man who has been a God-searcher,
00:46:24 ►
or maybe just wasn’t, he stumbled on one of these methods, fasting or sensory techniques of the body
00:46:30 ►
or whatever. And then he gets high, and he becomes one. He has a transcendental experience.
00:46:35 ►
Then he rushes down, and he says, hey, this is the way to do it. Diet, diet, diet. Now,
00:46:40 ►
there’s no one that freaks me out more, pulls me down more than a diet freak someone who thinks he can eat his way to God
00:46:47 ►
00:46:50 ►
we mustn’t go overboard
00:46:53 ►
meaning all these 21 yogis
00:46:54 ►
we have to keep them balanced
00:46:55 ►
as a matter of fact I had to develop
00:46:56 ►
what I call, I used to be a psychologist
00:46:58 ►
to make tests and I have a test now
00:46:59 ►
which is called a spiritual aptitude test
00:47:01 ►
and there are 21 questionnaires
00:47:04 ►
for each of these yogas.
00:47:06 ►
And there are questionnaires about your sensory awareness
00:47:08 ►
and questions about your diet and fasting and so forth.
00:47:12 ►
And if you get like a low profile, everything except one,
00:47:15 ►
watch out, you’re a cramp.
00:47:18 ►
And I can even diagnose religions that way.
00:47:20 ►
You can go through each of the great world religions
00:47:22 ►
and say, which of these 21 spiritual methods does this religion use, and which one does this religion say is taboo?
00:47:31 ►
That tells you a lot about this web-diagnosing religion. I’ll tell you about the Catholic
00:47:34 ►
Church. The Catholic Church in its history has used more of these yogas than any other
00:47:41 ►
religion. The only ones the Catholic Church has not stressed
00:47:45 ►
are the yogas which have to do with the body,
00:47:50 ►
the sexual and the sensory and the somatic.
00:47:55 ►
The fifth yoga which must be mastered is prayer.
00:47:59 ►
Now, when I mean prayer,
00:48:01 ►
when I talk to say prayer,
00:48:01 ►
I don’t mean,
00:48:02 ►
now I lay me down to sleep
00:48:04 ►
or some rote thing which is just rattled off. I mean prayer, when I talk to say prayer, I don’t mean, now I lay me down to sleep or some rote thing which is just rattled off.
00:48:07 ►
I mean your prayer.
00:48:09 ►
That is the prayer that is your red thread down to the essence of your spiritual life.
00:48:18 ►
You know, the Maharishi came over here a couple of years ago, and he had a good thing going.
00:48:23 ►
He said, pay 35 bucks
00:48:25 ►
and I’ll lay a mantra on you.
00:48:27 ►
A mantra is a prayer.
00:48:28 ►
It’s a secret prayer.
00:48:29 ►
And you get yours,
00:48:30 ►
and you get yours,
00:48:31 ►
and you get yours,
00:48:31 ►
and you get yours.
00:48:32 ►
And then you’re cool.
00:48:33 ►
Then you just go back,
00:48:34 ►
cut your hair,
00:48:35 ►
don’t take drugs,
00:48:36 ►
go back to school,
00:48:37 ►
and go to Vietnam
00:48:37 ►
and just remember your prayer.
00:48:41 ►
Now, that’s a great thing,
00:48:42 ►
the idea of a secret mantra,
00:48:44 ►
a secret prayer.
00:48:47 ►
It’s a prayer that in the dark night of your soul when you’re out there
00:48:50 ►
in that fringe
00:48:51 ►
where the last ray of trust
00:48:54 ►
and faith and hope
00:48:55 ►
is flickering
00:48:57 ►
that’s the time when
00:48:59 ►
torn out of your inner nature
00:49:02 ►
comes that gasp
00:49:04 ►
it can be mother or it can be mother or it can be Lord
00:49:06 ►
or it can be
00:49:07 ►
our Father
00:49:08 ►
who art in heaven
00:49:08 ►
or it can be Om
00:49:10 ►
or it can be
00:49:10 ►
it’s got to be yours.
00:49:12 ►
Because if the prayer
00:49:12 ►
is simply something
00:49:13 ►
that you learned
00:49:14 ►
at Sunday school
00:49:14 ►
that’s a real thing
00:49:15 ►
that you do
00:49:15 ►
that you get
00:49:16 ►
like passing courses
00:49:17 ►
you get merit badges for
00:49:18 ►
that’s not what I mean.
00:49:20 ►
And if you’re going
00:49:20 ►
to get involved
00:49:21 ►
in changing
00:49:21 ►
the inner system
00:49:22 ►
through chemicals
00:49:23 ►
turning on
00:49:24 ►
there will come a time when you’re going to get so in changing the inner system through chemicals, turning on, there will come a time
00:49:25 ►
when you’re going to get so frightened
00:49:26 ►
that if you don’t have a prayer,
00:49:29 ►
you’re going to wish you did.
00:49:32 ►
The sixth yoga
00:49:33 ►
is the yoga of meditation and solitude.
00:49:37 ►
The seventh yoga
00:49:37 ►
is the yoga of,
00:49:39 ►
what I call,
00:49:39 ►
black magic
00:49:40 ►
or dealing with evil.
00:49:44 ►
There is evil in the world. There are forces and there are
00:49:48 ►
people that wish power and control over other people for their own purposes. There are people
00:49:54 ►
who in a Faustian sense make the contract with the devil. Oh, they don’t do it in that
00:49:58 ►
romantic sense. They don’t sit in their study at night and drum up Mephistopheles and, you
00:50:03 ►
know, that sort of thing. But some night, when they’re lying in bed,
00:50:07 ►
they’ve made that contract.
00:50:08 ►
They say, if I can only get to be president,
00:50:10 ►
or if I can only get to be head of the department,
00:50:12 ►
or I can only get a million dollars,
00:50:13 ►
or I want to get that girl.
00:50:16 ►
And then they begin doing what they know is wrong,
00:50:21 ►
that is, copying minds,
00:50:23 ►
pressing buttons to get people to do what they want.
00:50:25 ►
There is black magic.
00:50:26 ►
Those of you who’ve seen the movie
00:50:27 ►
Rosemary’s Baby
00:50:28 ►
saw a very crude example of this.
00:50:31 ►
But no,
00:50:32 ►
the problem is that
00:50:33 ►
if you start expanding your nervous system,
00:50:36 ►
you start turning on,
00:50:37 ►
you start moving into the future,
00:50:40 ►
there will come a time
00:50:41 ►
when your x-ray telescope,
00:50:44 ►
microscope consciousness
00:50:44 ►
moves around
00:50:45 ►
through all the shutters of the consciousness,
00:50:46 ►
you’re going to see evil.
00:50:48 ►
You’re going to see that there are people around you
00:50:50 ►
or forces around you
00:50:51 ►
that are trying to get control over your mind.
00:50:54 ►
Matter of fact, many of them are running for president right now.
00:50:57 ►
And you’re going to have to learn how to recognize
00:51:01 ►
and ward off and deal with evil.
00:51:04 ►
And when the primitive Catholic Church,
00:51:06 ►
the Catholic Church in countries which are less civilized
00:51:09 ►
than ours,
00:51:11 ►
you have peasants warding off evil,
00:51:13 ►
baby, I go for that, I believe it.
00:51:18 ►
The eighth yoga is the yoga of earth survival.
00:51:22 ►
You’ve got to be able to train yourself
00:51:24 ►
to be naked in any spot of the earth
00:51:26 ►
and know that you can live in the jungle
00:51:28 ►
or the forest or somehow get back down
00:51:30 ►
and keep stuff going,
00:51:31 ►
because if you don’t,
00:51:32 ►
you’re a plastic robot just here
00:51:34 ►
at the courtesy of General Electric
00:51:35 ►
and General Motors.
00:51:38 ►
The ninth yoga is the yoga of pilgrimage
00:51:40 ►
or the sacred place.
00:51:43 ►
There are sacred places.
00:51:45 ►
Everyone should have at least one
00:51:46 ►
sacred place. It really makes you feel
00:51:48 ►
quite forearmed
00:51:49 ►
and quite centered if you know
00:51:51 ►
that there’s some place in the world,
00:51:54 ►
hopefully, close to you, where
00:51:56 ►
with an hour or two or three or a minute a day,
00:51:58 ►
you can get there.
00:52:00 ►
And then if you get your foot on that holy
00:52:02 ►
territory, you know you’re close
00:52:04 ►
to God.
00:52:06 ►
It can be a mountain top.
00:52:07 ►
I’ll give you a few tips.
00:52:08 ►
A mountain top is the best place to get high.
00:52:10 ►
I mean, a mountain top.
00:52:12 ►
There’s nothing between you and the whole galactic, cosmic, celestial system
00:52:16 ►
except just all there.
00:52:19 ►
You look down from a mountain top
00:52:20 ►
and you can see how you used to be
00:52:22 ►
and how you used to strive and compete
00:52:24 ►
and all that stuff down there. A mountain top, of course, you’ve got to get special mountain top and you can see how you used to be and how you used to strive and compete and all that stuff down there. Mountain top, of course, you’ve got to get special
00:52:28 ►
mountain top. You just can’t sign up for them like you sign up for a cruise. You’ve got
00:52:33 ►
to really work for it. Waterfalls, places by remote mountain streams, desert, great
00:52:40 ►
place, but known for a thousand years. You just go out in the desert, immediately you’re
00:52:44 ►
going to peel off
00:52:45 ►
all the plastic and the computer stuff
00:52:47 ►
and look around,
00:52:49 ►
there’s nothing there except God.
00:52:50 ►
Not one man-made thing.
00:52:52 ►
Pretty soon you begin to see
00:52:52 ►
that you’re not man-made either.
00:52:57 ►
If you don’t have a sacred place,
00:52:59 ►
stick to beer.
00:53:04 ►
A tenth yoga is the discipline of reading cyclical events.
00:53:11 ►
It’s called prophecy prediction.
00:53:12 ►
I don’t care how you do it,
00:53:13 ►
tea leaf reading, astrology,
00:53:16 ►
computer predictions,
00:53:18 ►
00:53:19 ►
but you’ve got to have some way of conceptualizing
00:53:24 ►
and seeing each day as part of a sequence
00:53:27 ►
in which you have ups and downs and goods and bads and darks and whites and so forth,
00:53:31 ►
but that there are predictable sequences.
00:53:35 ►
Your wife is going to have an menses once a month
00:53:38 ►
and you’re going to be better certain days of the month
00:53:40 ►
and certain hours of the day and certain seasons of the year
00:53:43 ►
and certain years of your life when these forces,
00:53:45 ►
which science
00:53:46 ►
will know
00:53:47 ►
more about
00:53:47 ►
in the future
00:53:47 ►
but we
00:53:48 ►
don’t know
00:53:48 ►
00:53:49 ►
are operating
00:53:49 ►
make you
00:53:50 ►
a puppet
00:53:50 ►
unless you
00:53:51 ►
have some
00:53:51 ►
way of
00:53:51 ►
looking for
00:53:52 ►
00:53:52 ►
00:53:54 ►
00:53:54 ►
that’s another
00:53:55 ►
00:53:55 ►
The Catholic
00:53:55 ►
Church has
00:53:56 ►
forbidden for
00:53:56 ►
many years
00:53:57 ►
any form
00:53:58 ►
00:53:58 ►
00:53:59 ►
although in
00:54:00 ►
the early
00:54:00 ►
years of
00:54:00 ►
the Catholic
00:54:01 ►
00:54:02 ►
certainly at
00:54:03 ►
that time,
00:54:04 ►
forecasting in astrology
00:54:05 ►
was not a Sunday supplement fad,
00:54:09 ►
but a very serious and thoughtful way
00:54:12 ►
of relating man to rhythms that he didn’t understand.
00:54:16 ►
The eleventh yoga is the yoga of sex.
00:54:20 ►
Now, when I say sex,
00:54:22 ►
I don’t mean Playboy magazine.
00:54:25 ►
I don’t mean any of the sexual controversies that are swirling around college campuses these days.
00:54:32 ►
I refer to the fact that for perhaps the majority of religions in world history,
00:54:40 ►
the union of male and female has been seen as the most direct way of finding divinity.
00:54:47 ►
It makes perfect sense.
00:54:48 ►
It happens to be one of the central tenets in our series of yogas.
00:54:54 ►
As I look around at the findings of modern science, physics, biochemistry, and you name it,
00:55:00 ►
botany, biology, there’s this one rule.
00:55:06 ►
There’s a proton and there’s this one rule. There’s a proton
00:55:07 ►
and there’s an electron.
00:55:09 ►
Two become one
00:55:11 ►
to create the new life,
00:55:12 ►
the new energy.
00:55:13 ►
Two that are opposite
00:55:14 ►
merge to become one
00:55:16 ►
and start the new thing going.
00:55:19 ►
Two that are separate
00:55:20 ►
and isolated and dying
00:55:21 ►
00:55:22 ►
and lo and behold,
00:55:24 ►
the eternal flame starts again.
00:55:26 ►
In the genetics
00:55:28 ►
of Watson and Crick
00:55:29 ►
and our new biology,
00:55:32 ►
it’s guanamine, thiamine,
00:55:34 ►
those four amino acids.
00:55:35 ►
One is like this, one is like this. Click.
00:55:38 ►
And the RNA thing runs around,
00:55:40 ►
runs around, runs around. Where is she? Where is she?
00:55:41 ►
Hey, where is she? You’ve got to find her.
00:55:44 ►
There she is. Two made one, the mischief. Two made one, rebirth.
00:55:55 ►
Now, the yoga of sex is this contract made between a man and a woman, that, oh, I don’t want to marry you
00:56:06 ►
because we like to bowl together
00:56:09 ►
or we like to dance together
00:56:10 ►
or you’d be a good mother to my children.
00:56:13 ►
No, all these things are great,
00:56:14 ►
but yeah, and there’s that spark there, right?
00:56:17 ►
Yeah, you’ve got to have that click, yeah?
00:56:19 ►
But it’s more than just that, isn’t there?
00:56:20 ►
Yeah, our contract is
00:56:22 ►
that we’re going to find God together.
00:56:25 ►
We’re going to take
00:56:26 ►
the spiritual trip together
00:56:28 ►
so that everything we do
00:56:29 ►
is not just my career and your home.
00:56:32 ►
Everything we do
00:56:32 ►
is a continual process
00:56:34 ►
of turning on,
00:56:35 ►
getting higher and higher
00:56:36 ►
so that we will grow.
00:56:37 ►
The little puppet that met
00:56:38 ►
at Notre Dame,
00:56:40 ►
one of the St. Mary’s,
00:56:41 ►
that he began to unfold
00:56:44 ►
and like two plants that become one, each experience,
00:56:50 ►
each aspect becomes part of this sacramental union.
00:56:59 ►
The twelfth yoga is the yoga of parenthood.
00:57:07 ►
And by parenthood I don’t mean that you have children
00:57:09 ►
that you send off from school or high school and college.
00:57:13 ►
I mean your parents as well as your children,
00:57:15 ►
particularly your parents.
00:57:17 ►
The average American, the average Westerner,
00:57:21 ►
has very little connection with his roots.
00:57:25 ►
This is something that we learn from the East and forgot.
00:57:29 ►
In the days when America conquered Hawaii,
00:57:32 ►
when the missionaries went over there to do good
00:57:34 ►
and ended up doing well,
00:57:37 ►
went over there to take these holy, naked, sacred people
00:57:40 ►
and put New England winter underwear on them in summer
00:57:44 ►
so they’d be holy. Every
00:57:47 ►
Hawaiian knew who he was. I’m Kioko, the son of Kiolo, who was the son of Mahahi, who came
00:57:55 ►
with King Kalahama to the island, who then came back, back, back, back for 800 years.
00:58:00 ►
Any Hawaiian could tell you where he came from. So when he walked around the island,
00:58:04 ►
he wasn’t a robot westerner,
00:58:05 ►
yeah, I’m Joe Jones,
00:58:08 ►
and my father, my dad, mother, yeah, well, they’re separated,
00:58:10 ►
but what does it mean, yeah, I don’t know.
00:58:13 ►
He knew
00:58:14 ►
that he was the final apex
00:58:15 ►
of a glorious
00:58:17 ►
vegetative life
00:58:19 ►
pyramid that went back, back, back,
00:58:21 ►
and pretty soon just merged with the earth.
00:58:23 ►
He was the eye,
00:58:25 ►
the great serpent coil of life that knew where he came from. Unless you know that, there
00:58:31 ►
comes times during the Nelson session when you face yourself in the mirror of your soul
00:58:35 ►
and you see that you just don’t know who you are.
00:58:40 ►
The 13th yoga is the yoga of ritual. By ritual I mean what you think I mean by ritual,
00:58:46 ►
but I mean a ritual you have worked out experientially
00:58:49 ►
that makes, that turns you on,
00:58:53 ►
that has to be the way that you run your life.
00:58:55 ►
Ritual is very important.
00:58:57 ►
Ritual is to the science of religion.
00:59:00 ►
What the experiment is, to external science.
00:59:02 ►
It’s a way of focusing, it’s a way of channeling
00:59:05 ►
and controlling
00:59:06 ►
and harnessing energies
00:59:07 ►
which are far greater
00:59:10 ►
than the human mind
00:59:11 ►
can deal with.
00:59:13 ►
A fourteenth yoga
00:59:14 ►
is a yoga of artistic expression.
00:59:15 ►
We’re all going to be artists
00:59:16 ►
in the future,
00:59:17 ►
but not capital A,
00:59:18 ►
Salvador Dali artists.
00:59:19 ►
We’re all going to be
00:59:20 ►
mad artists,
00:59:21 ►
God intoxicated,
00:59:23 ►
you know,
00:59:23 ►
running around
00:59:24 ►
building beautiful things
00:59:25 ►
to the glory of the maker,
00:59:28 ►
of our maker.
00:59:31 ►
We’re all artists anyway.
00:59:33 ►
We’re all painting.
00:59:33 ►
We’re all building our sharp cathedral,
00:59:35 ►
whether we know it or not.
00:59:36 ►
And some of them look pretty shoddy, don’t they?
00:59:39 ►
In the future,
00:59:39 ►
the main purpose of a man’s doing things with his hands
00:59:42 ►
will be glorifying and beautifying
00:59:45 ►
and reflecting externally the best you can
00:59:48 ►
the glory of the internal revelation you’ve received.
00:59:52 ►
The fifteenth yoga is yoga power.
00:59:55 ►
You’re going to have to use all sorts of power
00:59:56 ►
as turned on, holy, God-intoxicant people
01:00:00 ►
have always been able to do.
01:00:01 ►
Not for yourself, for your own prestige,
01:00:03 ►
but just flowing through and get it out.
01:00:07 ►
Use it. More will come.
01:00:09 ►
The 16th yoga is the yoga of the obedient brotherhood,
01:00:13 ►
which perhaps only the Catholic Church
01:00:16 ►
in the Western world has maintained.
01:00:18 ►
I belong to such a brotherhood.
01:00:19 ►
You all will in the future.
01:00:20 ►
Your kids will.
01:00:22 ►
You won’t be living in a block with your neighbors
01:00:24 ►
and you belong to the Elks
01:00:25 ►
and the bowling club.
01:00:26 ►
All of you
01:00:27 ►
or all of your children
01:00:28 ►
and your grandchildren
01:00:28 ►
will belong
01:00:29 ►
to spiritual tribal groups
01:00:31 ►
that would give their lives
01:00:34 ►
and their blood
01:00:35 ►
and their bodies
01:00:35 ►
a sacred honor
01:00:36 ►
to keep the spiritual
01:00:38 ►
search going.
01:00:39 ►
The seventeenth yoga
01:00:40 ►
is the yoga
01:00:43 ►
of the sacred book.
01:00:48 ►
The sacred book is tremendously important.
01:00:50 ►
It always has been.
01:00:51 ►
Do you got a sacred book?
01:00:52 ►
Would you really consult?
01:00:54 ►
Would you put in your suitcase every time you go out?
01:00:55 ►
I mean, the Gideon Bible is there in the hotel when you get there.
01:00:59 ►
I mean, a book that’s your book,
01:01:00 ►
that you look at every day,
01:01:02 ►
that you consult at moments of crisis
01:01:03 ►
and spiritual turmoil
01:01:05 ►
or secular turmoil?
01:01:08 ►
The glory
01:01:09 ►
and wonder of a spiritual book is
01:01:11 ►
that it’s a reminder that we’re not the
01:01:13 ►
first people that have done all this. It’s been done over and over
01:01:16 ►
and over again. And the sacred book
01:01:17 ►
is the guidebook. It’s the
01:01:19 ►
notes on the trip that have been passed on
01:01:22 ►
by surgeries and successful
01:01:24 ►
pilgrims in the past.
01:01:26 ►
And I don’t care what the book is.
01:01:28 ►
It may be Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
01:01:31 ►
It may be some chapter in the Bible.
01:01:32 ►
It may be the I Ching.
01:01:34 ►
It may be the writings of the turned-on saints.
01:01:39 ►
But it’s got to be your special book
01:01:41 ►
that keeps you in touch
01:01:43 ►
with the long line of spiritual searchers.
01:01:46 ►
Well, I’m going to stop now and just tell you
01:01:49 ►
that the 21st yoga is the yoga of drugs.
01:01:53 ►
This is the maha yoga.
01:01:55 ►
This, in the future, will be the key yoga.
01:01:58 ►
And the child will be taught.
01:02:00 ►
You can’t start taking LSD in first grade, junior,
01:02:04 ►
until you’ve mastered the 20 yogas.
01:02:07 ►
Of course, when I say master,
01:02:08 ►
I’m using the wrong terminology.
01:02:10 ►
These 21 paths to the divine
01:02:12 ►
are not things that you sign up for
01:02:14 ►
like a course in college
01:02:16 ►
where you don’t win a merit badge.
01:02:17 ►
Well, I got a merit badge in meditation,
01:02:18 ►
and I’ll get a merit badge in finding a holy place.
01:02:20 ►
Not that.
01:02:21 ►
The glory of this search is that it’s endless,
01:02:24 ►
that the more you get involved in any one of these yogas, the more complex, the more energy you put into it search is that it’s endless. That the more you get involved
01:02:25 ►
in any one of these yogas,
01:02:26 ►
the more complex,
01:02:27 ►
the more energy you put into it,
01:02:28 ►
the more you think about it,
01:02:28 ►
the more you try it,
01:02:29 ►
it just keeps unfolding.
01:02:31 ►
And it’s endless in its delights
01:02:33 ►
and its challenges.
01:02:36 ►
In summary, dear friends,
01:02:38 ►
I want to tell you
01:02:40 ►
that it’s all a trip.
01:02:43 ►
Where is the east?
01:02:44 ►
The direction east. You know? Where is Rome?
01:02:49 ►
That way? That east? Okay, that’s east. That’s west. Okay, the trip started there. We all came from there. We’re all going there.
01:03:06 ►
It lasts maybe 80, 90 years.
01:03:09 ►
And the trip can be anything you want it to be.
01:03:13 ►
Like it or not,
01:03:15 ►
ready or not,
01:03:17 ►
you write your own ticket.
01:03:20 ►
You control the instruments of consciousness.
01:03:26 ►
It can be any kind of trip you want.
01:03:29 ►
It’s going to be the trip you want.
01:03:32 ►
Make your paranoias big, baby.
01:03:37 ►
The trip can be serious, heavy,
01:03:42 ►
responsibility, suffering.
01:03:46 ►
The trip can be competitive, active.
01:03:50 ►
The trip to be
01:03:51 ►
quiet, serene.
01:03:54 ►
The trip to be
01:03:55 ►
01:03:58 ►
01:04:00 ►
loving, loving God,
01:04:02 ►
loving yourself,
01:04:04 ►
loving your woman, your mate, loving everybody.
01:04:10 ►
It’s what you make it.
01:04:13 ►
Make it a good one. You’re listening to The Psychedelic Salon,
01:04:36 ►
where people are changing their lives one thought at a time.
01:04:42 ►
Your trip is what you make it, so make it a good one.
01:04:47 ►
Well, I don’t know how you can give any better advice than that.
01:04:51 ►
And what a trip Dr. Leary was.
01:04:54 ►
Even though he may have been in the lion’s den,
01:04:57 ►
at the end there it sounded as if he had won them over.
01:05:01 ►
I know he won me over.
01:05:03 ►
And what did you think about the part
01:05:05 ►
where he was talking about how
01:05:07 ►
things would be 50 years from then?
01:05:10 ►
Interestingly, it’s now only been 41 years
01:05:13 ►
since he made those pronouncements.
01:05:15 ►
And on my more optimistic days,
01:05:17 ►
I still think that what he was talking about
01:05:19 ►
is still possible.
01:05:21 ►
In fact, what he was saying about people
01:05:23 ►
not caring about getting college degrees
01:05:25 ►
is something that I wrote about in the Genesis generation, and so I obviously agree with him on
01:05:31 ►
that point. And did you notice that already back in 1968 that people like Dr. Leary were lamenting
01:05:38 ►
the end of the hippies? So if the beatniks held sway in the 50s and the hippies were already extinct by the end of 1968,
01:05:46 ►
then I guess that species had an extremely short lifespan.
01:05:50 ►
Although I may look like a long-haired old hippie right now,
01:05:54 ►
back in the day when the hippies ruled the land, I was a short-haired naval officer,
01:06:00 ►
a flower child who slept through the 60s.
01:06:03 ►
So I laugh whenever somebody calls me an old hippie
01:06:05 ►
because it’s only the old part that’s true.
01:06:09 ►
Although I think that maybe you and I both retain
01:06:12 ►
some of that wonderful hippie spirit,
01:06:14 ►
no matter where we were during the 60s.
01:06:16 ►
And you might not have even been here.
01:06:20 ►
You didn’t miss anything, don’t worry.
01:06:23 ►
So did you get a chuckle out of his description of life in the year 2001?
01:06:28 ►
And since that year is now behind us,
01:06:30 ►
I guess it’s safe to say that the good Dr. Leary was once again a little over-optimistic
01:06:35 ►
about the potential of humans to wake up.
01:06:38 ►
Of course, today I do know many, many people who fit the mold of a 21st century human
01:06:44 ►
that he described, and I’m sure that you know a lot many people who fit the mold of a 21st century human that he described,
01:06:45 ►
and I’m sure that you know a lot of people like that, too.
01:06:49 ►
And if you don’t, well, then start looking around more closely, because we’re everywhere.
01:06:54 ►
But I doubt if there were any hippie sympathizers in the audience when Timothy gave the talk we just heard.
01:07:00 ►
To give you a little better picture of the event, I understand that it was held in Washington
01:07:05 ►
Hall, which is an auditorium that was built in 1881, and it’s where they used to show the free
01:07:12 ►
movies on weekends to keep the boys out of the bars. In fact, they began showing movies there in
01:07:18 ►
1916, and the room holds around 600 people, and it sounded packed to me.
01:07:32 ►
I had to laugh at the fact that his mention of the church’s absurd stand on birth control got a huge ovation,
01:07:36 ►
but when he mentioned the O word, there was a protracted silence,
01:07:41 ►
probably because at the time they were still teaching that orgasms were bad.
01:07:45 ►
My guess is that it was actually a shock silence silence in that they’d never heard the word orgasm
01:07:48 ►
mentioned in public before.
01:07:49 ►
Just listen to that part again,
01:07:51 ►
and I think you’ll see why my character Will
01:07:54 ►
in the Genesis generation did the
01:07:56 ►
Fuck You, I Quit dance,
01:07:58 ►
which seems to be a comedic highlight of the book
01:08:01 ►
that most people seem to remember.
01:08:03 ►
And something I better remember to mention is that either this week or next,
01:08:08 ►
my good friend KMO will be podcasting an interview with me in his Sea Realm podcast,
01:08:13 ►
which you can find at
01:08:23 ►
And if you haven’t heard any of KMO’s programs yet,
01:08:27 ►
you don’t know what you’re missing.
01:08:29 ►
Two of my recent favorites in the Sea Realm
01:08:31 ►
were the interview with Douglas Rushkoff,
01:08:33 ►
who has a compelling new book out titled Life, Inc.,
01:08:37 ►
and his podcast number 166,
01:08:40 ►
in which Neil Kramer interviews a farmer
01:08:42 ►
on whose land a crop circle recently appeared.
01:08:46 ►
And if you follow that phenomena, I highly recommend listening to this interview,
01:08:50 ►
as there is very little information from the farmer’s point of view,
01:08:53 ►
and what James Shepard has to say puts yet another gloss on this fascinating story.
01:09:00 ►
And if you want to create your own fascinating story,
01:09:02 ►
then why don’t you join me and a few thousand others in two weeks
01:09:06 ►
at the Symbiosis Gathering that will be held somewhere near Yosemite National Park.
01:09:12 ►
As you already know, no doubt, there are now somewhere around 180 bands and DJs that will be there,
01:09:19 ►
not to mention several days of workshops and presentations of various kinds.
01:09:24 ►
I’ll be speaking there about something that a lot of us have been kicking around for a while now,
01:09:29 ►
which is, if we are the ones we’ve been waiting for, then why are we still waiting?
01:09:35 ►
Also, I’ll be emceeing the talks on Saturday,
01:09:38 ►
so if you get a chance to stop by the area where the presentations are taking place,
01:09:43 ►
or come by the Aeroid tent,
01:09:45 ►
where I’ll also be spending a lot of time.
01:09:47 ►
I’d love to see you and say hello.
01:09:50 ►
I’m really looking forward to this gathering,
01:09:52 ►
and I now understand that quite a few of the people
01:09:56 ►
from the recent Oracle gathering will be there as well.
01:09:59 ►
And you can find all the details at
01:10:03 ►
And it looks like another family reunion is going to take place there.
01:10:08 ►
And for you Burners who are just now dragging yourselves back from the playa,
01:10:12 ►
well, what can I say but bravo! I watched
01:10:15 ►
a lot of John Graham’s video webcast of the week, and it looked to me
01:10:19 ►
like you are most definitely veterans of the dust again.
01:10:24 ►
And what was up with the man this year?
01:10:26 ►
I watched until 11.30 and he still hadn’t fallen down.
01:10:30 ►
I guess all of the parties got started quite a bit later this year.
01:10:34 ►
Anyway, I hope you all made it home without too many injuries
01:10:37 ►
and that you had a fantastic time.
01:10:40 ►
I sure was there with you in spirit.
01:10:43 ►
Well, that should do it for now.
01:10:45 ►
And so I’ll close today’s podcast again by reminding you that this and all of the podcasts from the Psychedelic Salon are freely available for you to use in your own audio projects under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 3.0 license.
01:11:00 ►
And if you have any questions about that, just click the Creative Commons link at the bottom of the Psychedelic Salon
01:11:05 ►
webpage, which you can find at
01:11:07 ►
01:11:10 ►
And for now, this is
01:11:12 ►
Lorenzo, signing off from
01:11:13 ►
Cyberdelic Space.
01:11:15 ►
Be well, my friends.