Program Notes
Guest speaker: Zoe7
Zoe7 is a multi-dimensional synergy personality cluster who inhabits the body and mind of consciousness researcher, Joseph Marti. (The other five personalities are: Max McCullan, Ebhrious, Jiebro, Kzark Prestidius, and Lee Steel.) His book, Into The Void Exploring Consciousness, Hyperspace and Beyond Using Brain Technology, Psychedelics and Altered-Mind States, depicts Marti’s experiments with mind machines, entheogens, and psychological time travel, how the Zoe7 cluster came to be, as well as new theories on parallel universes and probable Earths, the mechanics of reality and existence, and the mind of God.
Previous Episode
037 - Imprisonment & Liberation Aspects of Consciousness
Next Episode
039 - Mind States Sound Bites and Lorenzo in Venice Beach
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3-Dimensional Transforming Musical Linguistic Objects
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Help Me
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Greetings from Cyberdelic Space.
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This is Lorenzo and I’m your host here in the Psychedelic Salon.
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I guess a prudent person would say
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something like, now don’t try doing what you’re about to hear without a great deal of trepidation
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and some serious research before you begin. And be sure you have a full awareness of the
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risks you’re going to be taking. In other words, today we’re going to hear from a man
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that I consider to be probing the extreme far edges of consciousness research.
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His name is Zoe Seven, and I consider him a dear and trusted friend.
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I think the talk we’re about to listen to is his first major appearance.
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He was at MindStates 2 in May of 2001, and appropriately, I guess, the location was in Berkeley, California.
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I should also add that this was the first major conference at which I spoke about my favorite topic, psychedelic thinking.
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Which was a topic I discovered only after the fact.
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Got me permanently banned from my previous career in speaking at mainstream corporate conferences.
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But that’s another story.
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For now, let’s travel back to the Memorial Day weekend in 2001.
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Can you remember those lazy, hazy days before the Bush crime family launched its war of terror on all of us?
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It was a Sunday evening, and everyone was stretched pretty thin, both physically and emotionally.
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Not only did Zoe have to give his talk right after dinner,
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poor guy, he had to follow that powerful presentation Nick Sand had given just before the break.
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It was probably the worst place to be on on that speaker’s bill.
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On top of that, he had to face a semi-hostile crowd.
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and on top of that, he had to face a semi-hostile crowd.
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And I say semi-hostile because the audience seemed to be divided between those who were totally blown away by his research,
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and that was the group I was in,
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and there was another group of what sounds rather oxymoronic when you say it,
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but they were the psychedelic conservatives.
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Now, I’m not saying that either group had access to a higher truth here.
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My point is that there aren’t many people
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sitting on the fence after they read
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or listen to Zoe.
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He’s one of a kind, truly unique,
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and in my humble opinion,
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an extremely valuable research scientist
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and adventurer, a true explorer
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out there in the far edges of consciousness.
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Now, I’ll let you be the judge of those ideas for yourself.
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And unfortunately, there was a little technical glitch
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that cut off the first few minutes of Zoe’s talks.
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So we’ll join him where he begins talking about some of his early experiments
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where he combined using brainwave synchronizers and psychedelics.
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However, I found that with a brainwave synchronizers, and psychedelics. However, I found that with a brainwave synchronizer,
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if I would induce myself to go into a theta,
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predominant theta or a delta brain state,
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the experiences were vastly different
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than with either psychedelic or brain technology device alone.
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Again, that piqued my curiosity.
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And I decided to study quantum physics simply because I became aware that what we perceive as something like a table, reality,
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is what our senses construct inside our minds into what we call reality.
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But right now I would suppose there’s maybe
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100, 200 people.
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So therefore there’s, me, 201.
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There’s 201 tables being projected
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into the fabric of our space-time continuum.
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Each table, I came to learn from my studies in quantum physics,
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will have a slightly different variation.
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But there’s no one table. This to me seemed a little odd and bizarre, but I came to find
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that what we perceive as subatomic particles, atoms, and reality,
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they’re vibrating so fast
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that neurologically,
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and I’m paraphrasing here,
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neurologically we’re able to perceive
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just a single one of those spins.
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That’s what we call our reality.
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In quantum physics,
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it’s called the collapse of the wave function.
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An example that I can give you is,
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picture a helicopter.
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It’s got the forward, like a cross,
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and it starts going fast, fast,
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and it gets to the point where it looks like it’s a circle.
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Because it’s going so fast,
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but in reality, it’s not a circle.
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So that’s the same thing that happens with this, you know.
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We just perceive this frozen structure in space-time, but there’s other, all the atoms are vibrating still, but we’re missing that.
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It’s the same thing as if someone was to take a picture of me right now.
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They’re not catching what’s happening afterwards,
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which I’m walking around,
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and what happened before when I was here.
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So that’s what we’re seeing.
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And with psychedelics and hallucinogens,
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I came to discover what I can only describe as alternate universes, alternate realities.
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Now, in my book, I discuss at length and I go into the training that I underwent.
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But just to give you a brief idea, because we don’t have much time,
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I would take a psychedelic, a new psychedelic, such as, let’s say, LSD or mushrooms.
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I would get a tape recorder out, voice activated,
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and 15 minutes into the experience, I would say what’s going on.
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30 minutes into the experience, I would report back.
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Now, what this was doing, again, from my research, I figured out it was creating neurological pathways in my neuro-linguistic part of the brain.
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Because I was describing, I was using my language centers in order to put into words what I was seeing, what I was experiencing. I also employed a slide projector
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together with hypnagogic imagery.
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Hypnagogic imagery occurs right at the onset of,
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actually in between falling asleep and being awake
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and that drowsiness when you’re in heavy theta brain state.
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So, by doing what I call a reversed writing,
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I’m a right-handed person,
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but I used my left hand in order to write backwards sentences that could only be read by using a mirror.
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What this did was create, again, neurological pathways in my visual center.
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The reason that I’m so sure this is what was going on at the time that I was doing this training
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was because if you don’t know how to crochet,
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at first it’s going to be hard.
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But after you practice for a few days,
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actually protocol is two weeks,
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you will get it.
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It’s like the same as riding a bike.
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You’ve got to create those neurological pathways.
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But once that you do it, they’re there forever. And you can just not ride a bike for 20 years, you come back,
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you remember it, it’s there. Those pathways have been carved. So once that I undertook
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this training and combined it with the brain technology devices
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and the psychedelics,
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all hell break loose.
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All hell break loose.
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And I describe
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all those
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harrowing experiences in my book.
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What I’d like to talk about
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now is dissociatives and neuroelectrical stimulation.
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In my early experiments with ketamine and DXM,
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I found that it was almost impossible to recall all of the information, all of the data, all of the experience.
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And I found that by employing neuroelectrical stimulation as opposed to another substance,
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such as DM Turner used 2C-BB I believe, with ketamine in order to
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bring back more of the experience.
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I’ve also heard of people
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using amphetamine
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in order to
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bring more
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of the experience.
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at least for me,
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other substances sort of
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colored the experience.
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I didn’t have a pure experience.
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And it allowed me to bring back exquisite details,
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exquisite concepts that I could verbalize
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and started forming my own model of reality.
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The mechanics behind creativity.
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What do I mean by the mechanics behind creativity?
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Well, when I started visiting these parallel universes,
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or actually probable versions of Earth,
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I knew that I was doing so because what they teach you when you’re learning lucid dreaming
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is what is called a reality test.
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A reality test is something that you do that can’t happen, can’t affect physical reality.
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What do I mean by this?
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that can’t happen, can’t affect physical reality.
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What do I mean by this?
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If I know, if I have the suspicion that I’m dreaming in the lucid dream,
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and I look at my hand,
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if I look at it two or three times,
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and it changes in any way,
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sometimes I will be looking at my hand and I’ll have a tree trunk.
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And that would tell me, since that can’t happen in physical reality,
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that I was indeed dreaming.
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That was used as a trigger to go, wait, I know I’m dreaming.
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Another reality test you can do is you start imagining you’re floating up in the air.
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And if you start floating, you realize that you’re dreaming. What happened in my experiences is that sometimes I would do these reality tests, but nothing would happen. I
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would be standing, my hands, I would read newspaper articles, big posters, and they didn’t change.
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And since I started training my analytical mind
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to go into these altered states,
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I started asking questions to the quote-unquote dream characters.
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And they weren’t dream characters.
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They were real people.
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You know, I asked one time, you know,
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what’s the name of your president?
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Pete Edson. Not Bill Clinton, you know. So it just made me realize that there was something more than just dreaming to this. More than just an astral projection
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where you visit your dead relatives.
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There was something a little more bizarre.
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And because of my studies in quantum physics,
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I realized that I wasn’t crazy.
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And the physicists that postulate these theories were rotting the money.
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postulate these theories were rotting the money.
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At least I proved it to myself
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that this was what was happening.
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another substance
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that I find fascinating,
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other than ketamine,
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which is my favorite,
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is diamond hydronate.
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I don’t know if you guys are familiar with that psychoactive chemical. In low dosages, what it does is that it alleviates or prevents motion sickness.
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But when you take it in large doses doses what I find fascinating about this substance
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is that it will produce
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seemingly three-dimensional solid
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if you want to call them that
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they are so real
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and I came to find why
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because when I took readings of my brain waves But they are so real, and I came to find why.
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Because when I took readings of my brain waves with an EEG, called a mind mirror,
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I realized that my brain was mostly delta.
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I was asleep.
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Actually, my brain was asleep.
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I was awake, standing up in my living room with a little tape recorder, documenting my experience.
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But I was seeing people waving at me, cars driving by in my living room, as real as real can be.
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And this is because I was dreaming.
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My brain was fooled into thinking that it had gone to sleep so it started doing what it normally does
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when it’s sleeping.
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Constructing another model
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of reality
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that comes from
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this subconscious mind
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which I believe is a gateway
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hyperspace, alternate reality,
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psychedelic realities, parallel
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universes, even God. In a bit, alternate reality, psychedelic realities, parallel universes, even God.
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In a bit, later on, I started mixing combos.
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I started coming up with combos
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to see what their effects would be.
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D.M. Turner’s work greatly contributed to this curiosity.
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And he was so meticulous in his details of his experiences
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that I made that my goal,
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to have detailed descriptions of what I was experiencing.
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Another piece of brainwave technology
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that I found useful
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were hemi-sync CDs and tapes.
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And basically what they do
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is that they send a signal via headphones
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to each ear and make their brain resonate in whatever frequency
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the CD is targeted for.
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When I combined this type of technology with LSD, I found the experience much more psychedelic.
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It’s the only word that I can use because in my book, I separate psychedelics from hallucinogens.
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To me, a true hallucinogen is a substance that will make you hallucinate objects or people as close to reality as possible. Whereas a psychedelic
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will usually give you some type of insight, feeling, and maybe slight visions. And that
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wasn’t too appealing to me. What I wanted to do was I wanted to explore the highways and byways of creation.
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What I’d like to discuss next is some of the experiences that resulted from these combinations.
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Like I said at the beginning of the talk, I wanted to know where we came from, what sort of intelligence created us, if any.
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Was it just an accident? Is there a meaning? Does it come from somewhere? I was raised Catholic, although I don’t follow any organized religion. But I do believe
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in a greater intelligence, quote-unquote a God.
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God. Universal intelligence.
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And for those of you who are atheists, I would say
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you have to believe at least in something.
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This is something. It’s not nothing.
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So at least, you know, let’s say this is something.
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I wanted to know the beginning, where something came from.
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Where did it originate?
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Did something create something?
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I don’t know. I wanted to find out.
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So, I decided to use
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a heavy dose of ketamine
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in conjunction with
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neuroelectrical stimulation
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and program myself
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with the command
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witness the origin of God.
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Witness the origin of creation. witness the origin of creation,
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witness the origin of existence.
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Like I said before,
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these concepts are very abstract,
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to say the least,
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but I’ve been able to put them into words
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because of my training.
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In my experience,
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there was a point, after all the, you know, psychedelic,
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hallucinogenic, you know, hoopla, where all of a sudden, there was no up, there was no
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down, there was no left, there was no right, there was no good, there was no evil, there
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was no dark, there was no light. There was nothing.
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Not even nothing existed.
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The only word that I can use in order to relate these concepts to you.
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I’m going to use some words, but there’s no words to describe nothingness. For some reason,
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the only way that I can say this,
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nothingness became aware of itself as nothingness.
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But then in that instant, it stopped being nothingness.
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Although there was no space or time,
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so there wasn’t even an instant.
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That was nothing.
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But that nothing, becoming aware of itself as nothing, became something.
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And for this example, which I’m going to try to be as visual as possible,
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I don’t have any fancy slides or anything because this is my first time doing this,
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and just wasn’t too prepared.
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I’ve done my best.
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This somethingness, for some reason,
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decided that the only thing other than itself as nothingness
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is to quote-unquote create,
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because creation wasn’t even in existence yet.
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To create other somethings with itself,
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I mean, what else is something going to do?
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with itself.
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I mean, what else is something going to do?
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So, since something was the only thing in existence,
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which in reality is nothing,
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it split itself, in my experience,
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into a bunch of tiny little pieces like this.
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Voila! Some things!
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just to make,
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get this clear,
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since there was no space
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or no time,
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these pieces were sort of
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on top of each other.
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Sort of like,
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when you have,
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you’re watching TV,
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there’s one channel,
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but you have two,
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three hundred stations coming in.
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They all exist in the space-time continuum,
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you know, together with each other,
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but at a slightly different frequency.
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So that’s what I experienced,
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this breakage, this split.
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It was all different frequencies
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in the same space-time,
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although there was no space-time yet.
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So, for some reason, these little pieces said,
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let’s separate ourselves.
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Again, I’m using words, although there weren’t words when I was experiencing this.
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Let’s separate ourselves by creating a construct
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we’ll call space.
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So space was created
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and when I was in this
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bizarre altered state,
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I realized that when I thought
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of the word hello,
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all the little pieces would think hello at the same exact time,
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instantaneously and simultaneously.
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Again, like I said, I’m using words and concepts
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so that you guys can understand what I’m saying.
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If I turn to the right,
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all the little pieces turn to the right simultaneously,
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like robots, like clones of each other almost.
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Turn to the left, same thing happens.
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So this somethingness
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developing a sense of intelligence,
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of awareness.
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it decided to create a
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delay which became time. and it decided to create a delay
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which became time
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so that when one little piece said hello
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the other piece would say hello maybe 10 seconds later
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the other one 20 seconds later
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the other one 10 years later.
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And that was the beginning of the ego,
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separate from each other.
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It also understood,
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or it began to understand,
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that it had to create forgetfulness,
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so that each and every little piece would forget where they came from, their origin, so that they can become individuals.
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Which again is the human ego. I hope that through my work, because my book, Into the Void, is a trilogy, a four-part trilogy,
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so I make my own reality, so I make my own rules,
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that people would stop following other people,
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would stop being controlled by other people.
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We’ve been taught to think a certain way,
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to act a certain way,
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and I believe that maybe when you’re a child,
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that’s okay just to get you going.
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But you should be taught how to think, not what to think.
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And psychedelics do this beautifully.
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And to elaborate on this concept,
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which is why I’m bringing up the message that I would like
00:25:26 ►
to present, is that no man should follow another man but himself. Because each and every one
00:25:39 ►
of you is God. How do I, how can I say that?
00:25:46 ►
00:25:47 ►
if this little piece here,
00:25:48 ►
I mean, remember,
00:25:49 ►
this is nothingness
00:25:51 ►
that became somethingness,
00:25:54 ►
the root of all,
00:25:56 ►
the beginning of all,
00:25:57 ►
that is.
00:26:01 ►
John Hanna,
00:26:02 ►
the promoter of this
00:26:03 ►
00:26:05 ►
is one of these little pieces.
00:26:09 ►
So, if I was to take for one second, for an example,
00:26:13 ►
all of the pieces away,
00:26:15 ►
let’s make believe that all these pieces never existed,
00:26:20 ►
and I ask someone,
00:26:22 ►
where is God?
00:26:23 ►
Where is somethingness?
00:26:25 ►
Where is somethingness? Where is something?
00:26:28 ►
They would have to say, John Hanna.
00:26:31 ►
The John Hanna piece.
00:26:32 ►
And remember that this piece can break into little pieces, into infinity.
00:26:37 ►
That’s why I am so sure, from my experience, that each one of us is God, we have forgotten that.
00:26:49 ►
But the beauty of it is that in coming to this realization,
00:26:55 ►
we’ll be able to not only awaken to this fact, but perhaps tell our neighbor,
00:27:04 ►
but perhaps tell our neighbor,
00:27:08 ►
hey, don’t follow so-and-so.
00:27:10 ►
Don’t follow that book.
00:27:12 ►
Don’t follow that philosophy.
00:27:15 ►
You make your own philosophy.
00:27:17 ►
You make up your own book.
00:27:19 ►
You follow your own rules.
00:27:20 ►
Live your own life.
00:27:24 ►
Stop others from trying to control you and dipping into your wallet in
00:27:27 ►
the process. Because you see, I came to find that organizations, especially religious organizations,
00:27:38 ►
will not let a disciple or a student develop past a certain point.
00:27:49 ►
Because then they will outgrow the organization.
00:27:55 ►
And an organization needs members in order to survive.
00:28:05 ►
So mental stagnation at the cost of one’s own spirituality and development.
00:28:14 ►
It’s what these cunning groups of people will use in order to control.
00:28:23 ►
But I think that at the dawn of this new millennium, people are starting to wake up to realize there’s something more than what they’ve been taught.
00:28:35 ►
And they perceive that there’s something in the air, there’s a change taking place.
00:28:41 ►
And I believe that psychedelics play a very important role in this awakening.
00:28:50 ►
The way I see it, the psychedelic mind is in touch with itself more than the unenlightened mind. I think the unenlightened mind is in touch with materiality,
00:29:09 ►
with culture, with religion,
00:29:16 ►
as opposed to spirituality,
00:29:18 ►
which again, to me, spirituality is self-experience.
00:29:23 ►
Scientists, mathematicians, physicists,
00:29:29 ►
they have the theory that everything,
00:29:32 ►
the Big Bang Theory,
00:29:33 ►
everything came from one point.
00:29:36 ►
They even have formulations,
00:29:39 ►
like the minus one-tenth to the tenth power
00:29:42 ►
of when this took place.
00:29:45 ►
And what I believe happened is that, I hope you guys can see this, my own little model,
00:29:52 ►
this is what I spend my time doing in my bedroom, this crazy thing, that reality split from
00:30:00 ►
the one point, and there’s not any one point in the middle to say that is the source
00:30:06 ►
point. Each little piece exists in its own space-time continuum, but that’s only as far
00:30:15 ►
as our perceived three-dimensional reality is concerned, because in reality, all that exists
00:30:26 ►
00:30:27 ►
this little point
00:30:29 ►
that we call, or that I call,
00:30:31 ►
somethingness. But then in reality
00:30:34 ►
it’s a matter of nothing.
00:30:35 ►
We are nothing.
00:30:39 ►
00:30:40 ►
00:30:42 ►
we’re also something.
00:30:44 ►
Which is,
00:30:46 ►
I don’t know if you guys can see this,
00:30:47 ►
the yin-yang.
00:30:52 ►
So, that’s the origin of God,
00:30:53 ►
00:30:58 ►
To lighten things up,
00:31:01 ►
I’d like to share a combo that I experimented with.
00:31:12 ►
MDMA, psilocybin, salvia divinorum,
00:31:18 ►
the plant, not the extract, because I hadn’t come across Daniel Siebert’s extract at the time of the experiment a few years ago, in a brainwave synchronizer. I found that the experiences elicited by these combos,
00:31:31 ►
both brain technology device and pharmacological substance,
00:31:36 ►
were, and I hate to use the word, advanced,
00:31:40 ►
but they were not the typical experience.
00:31:45 ►
So I fell into a light sleep, but I was active.
00:31:51 ►
My mind was active. I was very lucid.
00:31:55 ►
And I felt a pair of hands rubbing my feet.
00:31:59 ►
I’ve experienced that phenomenon before in the hypnagogic state.
00:32:06 ►
So it didn’t surprise me.
00:32:08 ►
It didn’t freak me out.
00:32:10 ►
In fact, mentally, which is the way that I tend to communicate in these out-of-body experiences,
00:32:17 ►
mentally, I communicated with this intelligence and it said,
00:32:21 ►
Help me out of my body.
00:32:24 ►
And in that instant, it pulled me out.
00:32:26 ►
Pulled me out.
00:32:27 ►
Just like when you’re taking a piece of pizza out of the box,
00:32:31 ►
when it’s stuck, it just, it’s stuck.
00:32:34 ►
And I was out.
00:32:35 ►
To my surprise,
00:32:38 ►
I found this very beautiful, voluptuous woman.
00:32:42 ►
How lucky.
00:32:45 ►
And I’m sure many of you have heard of the term astral sex.
00:32:50 ►
Maybe not.
00:32:50 ►
You’ll hear about it now.
00:32:56 ►
Thank you.
00:32:59 ►
Since I was beginning to take my analytical mind into these experiences,
00:33:04 ►
into these altered states,
00:33:06 ►
I asked, who are you? What is your name?
00:33:11 ►
At first I didn’t understand the voice too clearly, or the entity, the person.
00:33:20 ►
So I asked, can you repeat it again?
00:33:23 ►
Can you spell it out? Because that’s what I was beginning to do
00:33:26 ►
I would get all these weird names
00:33:28 ►
And I would have them, you know, spell it out
00:33:30 ►
So that I can write about it when I would come back
00:33:32 ►
And basically the name is Mnemonally
00:33:37 ►
Her name was Mnemonally
00:33:40 ►
Since I had a couple of times before where I had dreams of sex, where I
00:33:51 ►
wrote, wow, I’m having sex in my dream, that’s pretty cool. This time I’m completely lucid
00:33:56 ►
and I figured, let me see what happens. So I tell Mnomenally, why don’t we engage in some astral sex?
00:34:08 ►
She replied, I’d love to meld my energy essence with you.
00:34:14 ►
And we started embracing, much like in the physical world.
00:34:19 ►
You know, kissing, tongues.
00:34:23 ►
You know, it was all very real.
00:34:22 ►
The kissing, the tongues.
00:34:24 ►
It was all very real.
00:34:30 ►
Except that our bodies had a sort of an ethereal quality to them.
00:34:35 ►
And the more excited or hornier that I got,
00:34:40 ►
the more sparks that would start emanating from my body and from hers.
00:34:43 ►
At one point during the experience, for some reason, I started remembering some magazines I had on my nightstand that featured models.
00:35:04 ►
at the time I didn’t catch on I wasn’t consciously aware of it
00:35:06 ►
but we were communicating telepathically
00:35:09 ►
so she was able to read my thoughts
00:35:11 ►
this entity
00:35:12 ►
so when I started thinking of the magazines
00:35:16 ►
and remembered Carmen Electra
00:35:19 ►
I have my eyes closed
00:35:22 ►
and I’m engaged in this ordeal and when I opened my eyes closed and I’m engaged in this ordeal.
00:35:26 ►
And when I opened my eyes,
00:35:29 ►
I was surprised because I caught,
00:35:33 ►
minimally, morphing herself
00:35:35 ►
into the picture that was in my mind.
00:35:40 ►
She was turning into Carmen Electra.
00:35:43 ►
So there I was, having sex with Carmen Electra.
00:35:47 ►
Safe sex.
00:35:53 ►
Then for some reason, I thought of another model in the magazines.
00:36:00 ►
And lo and behold, there she was,
00:36:04 ►
mentally transforming herself into this supermodel.
00:36:09 ►
So I caught on that whatever I had in my mind,
00:36:14 ►
whatever image I had in my mind, she could reproduce for me.
00:36:20 ►
So this was like letting a little child lose in a candy store.
00:36:28 ►
Imagine the possibilities.
00:36:31 ►
I wanted to taste all the candy.
00:36:35 ►
So, I started remembering ex-girlfriends.
00:36:41 ►
And when I was playing with her,
00:36:45 ►
with Niminali’s breasts,
00:36:48 ►
I found that her breasts were morphing
00:36:51 ►
into the image of the memory
00:36:53 ►
that was in my mind.
00:36:56 ►
So I did this maybe,
00:36:58 ►
oh, 50, 60 times,
00:37:01 ►
and she got,
00:37:02 ►
and Niminali got pissed off
00:37:04 ►
and pulled me away
00:37:05 ►
said you asshole
00:37:08 ►
and I felt terrible
00:37:14 ►
I said
00:37:15 ►
I’m sorry
00:37:18 ►
I didn’t mean
00:37:20 ►
to do that
00:37:22 ►
but I couldn’t help myself
00:37:24 ►
and she was very upset to say the least I didn’t mean to do that. But I couldn’t help myself.
00:37:27 ►
And she was very upset to say the least.
00:37:31 ►
And she said, well, you know, why don’t you go fuck yourself?
00:37:35 ►
Again, I was apologizing.
00:37:40 ►
And she told me, listen, I know it’s not all your fault.
00:37:42 ►
I was doing it.
00:37:43 ►
So I’m part to blame. So let’s not stop and let’s continue with
00:37:46 ►
our energy melding. So thankful that I was going to be able to spark out some more, I
00:37:57 ►
closed my eyes and got into it. And when I was coming to the conclusion, shall I call it, I opened my eyes and I screamed.
00:38:11 ►
Like I’ve never screamed before, it was bizarre.
00:38:16 ►
There was a replica of me with a vagina.
00:38:22 ►
So that meant that I had been literally fucking myself for the past few minutes.
00:38:28 ►
She minimally, she always told me to emphasize, to emphasize that.
00:38:38 ►
She told me that it was okay, but in that instant I was so startled by what had just happened
00:38:44 ►
that I woke up in my body and I said,
00:38:46 ►
My God, I have found, I have made a great discovery.
00:38:52 ►
This will give you an idea of the experiences that may be available to you with the proper training. I try to make it as non-heavy as possible, as light as possible
00:39:16 ►
in lieu of the origin of God. Now let’s get back to a little, the bizarre part of things.
00:39:28 ►
In my book, I outline a method for psychological time travel that allows for a person not to slip into the realm of probabilities. Because usually when somebody goes out of body,
00:39:46 ►
and they’re in their, let’s say, living room,
00:39:48 ►
they will notice that the living room that they’re in,
00:39:51 ►
in this out-of-body state,
00:39:52 ►
is slightly different than their usual living room,
00:39:58 ►
than the usual reality that they perceive.
00:40:02 ►
What I found was that,
00:40:03 ►
the reason for this was because I was slipping
00:40:06 ►
into the realm of probabilities
00:40:08 ►
so that’s why the experiments performed by military agencies
00:40:13 ►
and various labs around the world
00:40:16 ►
that would try to replicate
00:40:17 ►
autobody experiences
00:40:19 ►
with verifiable targets
00:40:22 ►
like let’s see if you can go aut of body to the next room and describe this,
00:40:26 ►
you know, see this,
00:40:27 ►
as opposed to you’re in some forest
00:40:29 ►
or, you know, you’re in some, you know,
00:40:34 ►
twisted psychological funhouse.
00:40:35 ►
If you can actually bring back real world data,
00:40:40 ►
which is what the remote viewers were doing.
00:40:46 ►
I was given information by these entities that I talk about in my book.
00:40:52 ►
They’re not entities really, they’re personalities.
00:40:55 ►
There’s five of them, with me six,
00:40:58 ►
that I came to discover that lay dormant within my psyche
00:41:02 ►
and my experiments awoke me to their existence.
00:41:09 ►
But I found that since three-dimensional reality
00:41:14 ►
is mostly serotonin-induced altered state
00:41:17 ►
and the LSD molecules resemble those of serotonin,
00:41:22 ►
if I took a mild dose of LSD, no more than 40 micrograms, now the only
00:41:28 ►
problem with this is that usually a little blotter paper of LSD that you can buy on the
00:41:34 ►
street for 7 bucks or whatever, you don’t know how much LSD there is in the blotter.
00:41:41 ►
It is estimated between 80 micrograms and 100 micrograms.
00:41:46 ►
You know,
00:41:46 ►
so I would estimate
00:41:47 ►
somewhere around
00:41:47 ►
35 to 40 micrograms.
00:41:50 ►
In taking this,
00:41:54 ►
while right after
00:41:56 ►
one has ingested
00:41:57 ►
a carbohydrate-rich snack
00:42:01 ►
in the afternoon
00:42:02 ►
will increase
00:42:04 ►
enough drowsiness
00:42:04 ►
to make one go to sleep,
00:42:08 ►
you know, take a cat nap, a light sleep.
00:42:10 ►
Because in my experiments,
00:42:11 ►
when I tried it at nighttime,
00:42:14 ►
I guess the human brain and the human psyche
00:42:17 ►
are accustomed to going way out into dream systems.
00:42:23 ►
But with the LSD and the carbohydrate-rich dinner, it has something to do with the metabolism,
00:42:29 ►
the neurochemicals that are released during this biochemical process. It allows you to
00:42:37 ►
remain when you leave your body because you will have a, Since LSD makes you aware of things,
00:42:46 ►
it has a very up quality to it,
00:42:49 ►
you will become aware of the process involved
00:42:52 ►
as you go from sleep,
00:42:55 ►
or from wakefulness into sleep,
00:42:57 ►
into the out-of-body state,
00:42:59 ►
and you will remain in the vicinity.
00:43:01 ►
So it’s an accurate tool
00:43:03 ►
for psychological time travel in this reality, not in the realm
00:43:07 ►
of probabilities. Now, the reason I’ve included this information in the book is because I’d
00:43:11 ►
like any scientists with credentials and with laboratories, grants, or what have you, look
00:43:19 ►
into this. I mean, what I’m saying is time travel is possible.
00:43:32 ►
If you follow that methodology, you will not fall into the realm of probabilities.
00:43:34 ►
You will stay in this vicinity.
00:43:39 ►
A lot of people that I’ve shared with this say, you know, you’re crazy.
00:43:42 ►
But so was Galileo at the time.
00:43:43 ►
So was Copernicus. I’m not comparing myself to those people, but I’m making a claim, and I’m saying, go ahead, replicate it. Study it.
00:44:03 ►
but I find it extremely interesting.
00:44:10 ►
And now I know why so many experiments cannot be… they do not correlate with each other.
00:44:16 ►
And it’s because the out-of-body traveler, or psychonaut, or whatever you want to call him,
00:44:22 ►
tends to go into an alternate reality.
00:44:25 ►
It’s a slightly out of phase with this reality.
00:44:29 ►
Because remember, this table that is seemingly solid
00:44:32 ►
is vibrating really fast,
00:44:33 ►
but we can only perceive one of those spins,
00:44:36 ►
which is what scientists say
00:44:38 ►
it’s the collapse of the wave function.
00:44:40 ►
But there’s other versions of the table
00:44:43 ►
that we’re not seeing,
00:44:48 ►
which exist in alternate space-time continuums which are parallel universes,
00:44:50 ►
probable Earths,
00:44:51 ►
which are inhabited by probable versions of us
00:44:54 ►
because we are made up
00:44:56 ►
of the same subatomic particles
00:44:58 ►
that this table and that lamp
00:45:00 ►
and this floor is made out of.
00:45:02 ►
Go ahead.
00:45:04 ►
Yes, he talks
00:45:06 ►
00:45:06 ►
Locale 3, I believe.
00:45:10 ►
And the different
00:45:11 ►
locales, basically parallel
00:45:14 ►
00:45:16 ►
But most of his
00:45:18 ►
experiences are
00:45:19 ►
in the astral,
00:45:22 ►
what is called the astral plane.
00:45:24 ►
I have a map of the different realities that I have accessed
00:45:31 ►
with the various dosages of psychedelics and hallucinogens.
00:45:37 ►
And to me the most interesting ones are not the bizarre ones,
00:45:43 ►
but the ones that are just like this reality.
00:45:46 ►
Because it seems bizarre to me that there’s another me that didn’t make it to this conference right now, existing in its own version of mass reality.
00:45:57 ►
In fact, Bush won the election, but it was so close.
00:46:06 ►
And I gather that Gore won the election also.
00:46:09 ►
Just like we were witnesses to.
00:46:11 ►
But it happened.
00:46:13 ►
Gore is the president in an alternate reality.
00:46:17 ►
Which again is what physicists
00:46:19 ►
have claimed for decades now.
00:46:24 ►
00:46:27 ►
The BT6, the Brain Tuner 6,
00:46:29 ►
what it does is that it sends an electrical signal
00:46:33 ►
into the brain,
00:46:36 ►
and it releases the neurotransmitters
00:46:40 ►
responsible for short-term memory,
00:46:43 ►
but also others such as dopamine,
00:46:46 ►
endocapillins, betendorphin, and this cocktail, the particular frequency that this device
00:46:55 ►
uses, because there’s a number of neuroelectrical stimulators in the market, but the one that
00:47:00 ►
the BT6, which is hard to get, but I recommend it highly.
00:47:08 ►
There’s now one being made, a BT-7.
00:47:14 ►
And there’s now one available, BT-5, that I haven’t heard positive things about it.
00:47:18 ►
But if you guys can get, if you’re interested in this kind of weird stuff,
00:47:22 ►
you can get a hold of a BT-6 or the new BT-7.
00:47:28 ►
Definitely employ it in your personal development because it will increase your memory, your short-term memory, not so much the long-term memory,
00:47:34 ►
but the short-term memory.
00:47:37 ►
What was the best technique to go into a dream already lucid?
00:47:41 ►
into a dream already lucid.
00:47:44 ►
In my experience,
00:47:47 ►
it depends on the kind of reality
00:47:51 ►
that you want to go to.
00:47:52 ►
Because in my book,
00:47:53 ►
I talk about what I call psychodynamic frequency domains.
00:47:56 ►
This is similar to
00:47:58 ►
Rupert Sheldrake’s theory
00:47:59 ►
of the morphogenetic field.
00:48:03 ►
And I believe that
00:48:07 ►
this reality as a whole is a psychodynamic frequency domain
00:48:10 ►
in which all of us have agreed
00:48:13 ►
that there’s a structure called
00:48:16 ►
the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
00:48:22 ►
But there’s another psychodynamic frequency domain in which that structure wasn’t built.
00:48:29 ►
Or it was built later.
00:48:32 ►
So, you can use ketamine to access faraway realities.
00:48:40 ►
Salvia divinorum to delve deep into your subconscious mind
00:48:45 ►
whereas if you use
00:48:47 ►
the mild dose of LSD
00:48:49 ►
in combination
00:48:51 ►
with hypnagogic imagery
00:48:54 ►
in the afternoon
00:48:55 ►
catnap hours
00:48:57 ►
you will access
00:49:00 ►
this reality
00:49:01 ►
00:49:03 ►
I wanted to liven up things
00:49:06 ►
after the origin of God.
00:49:09 ►
Thank you very much.
00:49:18 ►
So, now you know the great secret
00:49:21 ►
about the origin of God.
00:49:23 ►
Just don’t pass that on to any of the straight people you know, because I don’t think they’re
00:49:27 ►
quite ready for it yet.
00:49:29 ►
As you might expect, Zoe was the most controversial of all the speakers at that year’s Mind States
00:49:35 ►
00:49:36 ►
I was, and still am, on the side of his most loyal supporters.
00:49:41 ►
Having stood on that same stage just a few hours before Zoe and looking out on those hundreds of highly experienced psychonauts,
00:49:49 ►
I know how intimidating a crowd it could be, and yet Zoe was unfazed.
00:49:54 ►
He dove right into putting words to experiences that you and I know are truly ineffable.
00:50:00 ►
We’ve all been there, just back from a high 4 or plus 5 experience.
00:50:06 ►
When we try to tell our companions about it, we sound like babbling kids, you know.
00:50:11 ►
It takes a lot of courage to speak about these things, and to do it in as entertaining a
00:50:15 ►
way as Zoey does is truly a gift, I think.
00:50:18 ►
And if you ever get a chance to hear him in person, just don’t miss it.
00:50:22 ►
You’d be glad you were there you know until i played
00:50:26 ►
this tape just now i’d forgotten about zoe’s story about his encounter with minimally i hope
00:50:33 ►
she forgives me if i’m pronouncing that name incorrectly i’d like to meet her myself someday
00:50:37 ►
what a great story that is it’s got to be one of the all-time great trip stories, I think. By the way, I agree
00:50:46 ►
with Zoe that the books by D.M. Turner are among the very best there are in the psychedelic genre.
00:50:53 ►
Of course, they’re all out of print right now and have become collector’s items. Hopefully,
00:50:57 ►
we’ll see somebody publish them on the net one day. But in case you didn’t know, all of you
00:51:02 ►
D.M. Turner fans out there,
00:51:08 ►
even a highly experienced psychonaut like Turner can screw up.
00:51:11 ►
In fact, his screw-up cost him his life.
00:51:17 ►
As I heard it, he drowned while using ketamine in the bathtub.
00:51:20 ►
And in case you haven’t heard me say this before,
00:51:26 ►
anyone, and I mean anyone, who uses these substances while in water, even if you have a sitter, is a complete moron. And any of your so-called friends who look the other
00:51:32 ►
way when you do it are in the same category. Psychedelics and water just don’t mix. I wonder
00:51:38 ►
how many of our friends out there have to die before our community figures that out.
00:51:43 ►
I guess I somehow got back up on my soapbox.
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Sorry about that.
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I’m preaching to the choir here because I’m sure you already know this already.
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Before I forget, let me give a couple of website addresses where you can keep up with what
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Zoe is doing these days.
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His main site is, z-o-e number 7 dot com,
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and there you can find information about his first book,
00:52:10 ►
Into the Void,
00:52:11 ►
the one he mentioned in this talk,
00:52:13 ►
and you can also find information about his new book,
00:52:17 ►
Back from the Void,
00:52:18 ►
that’s just been published,
00:52:20 ►
in fact any day now his new site will also be coming online,
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and you’ll be able to find that at
00:52:28 ►
Before I let you go, I thought I should also point out something
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that I think is pretty significant about the talk you just heard.
00:52:35 ►
You know, Zoe gave this presentation in May 2001,
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and as you just heard, one of the things he talked about
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was the existence of parallel universes with copies of yourself in them.
00:52:47 ►
And at the time he gave his talk, that was the one item that some of his detractors focused on
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to try to discredit his other theories.
00:52:56 ►
Well, guess what?
00:52:58 ►
It took the scientific community only another two years to get up to speed to Zoe’s point of view.
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But in May of 2003, the cover story in Scientific American
00:53:08 ►
stated that parallel universes are, quote,
00:53:12 ►
not just a staple of science fiction.
00:53:15 ►
Other universes are a direct implication of cosmological observations.
00:53:21 ►
That’s really an astounding article.
00:53:23 ►
In fact, I couldn’t believe
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that it wasn’t the main topic of conversation
00:53:28 ►
around every dinner table in the world
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after it was published.
00:53:31 ►
You really ought to take a look at that
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if you’re interested in these things.
00:53:35 ►
If you do, you’ll discover that
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Zoe Seven’s take on things is
00:53:39 ►
probably even more conservative
00:53:41 ►
than scientific Americans.
00:53:44 ►
You know, as J.B.S. Haldane once said,
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not only is the universe stranger than we imagine,
00:53:51 ►
it’s stranger than we can imagine.
00:53:53 ►
So, thanks again to Zoe for helping us all stretch our imaginations a little bit more today.
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And thanks to all of you for being here with us again.
00:54:04 ►
Jacques Cordell and Wells
00:54:06 ►
known in many circles as Chateau Hayouk
00:54:08 ►
thanks again for the use of your music here in the Psychedelic Salon
00:54:12 ►
and for now
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this is Lorenzo
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signing off from Cyberdelic Space
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be well my friends friends?